Russian General: Iran’s Enemies to Decide Course Soon

Credit: Newyorktimes:

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s top general said on Tuesday that he expects Iran’s enemies to decide in the next few months how to deal with a nuclear programme that the United States and Israel have said they might attack.

In remarks that come as Russia has been voicing its differences with the West on various issues in the Middle East, General Nikolai Makarov, the chief-of-staff, was quoted by RIA news agency as saying: “Iran, of course, is a sore spot.”

“There has to be some kind of decision about it now. It will be made, probably, closer to summer,” he said.

Moscow has warned adamantly against any use of force to rein in Tehran’s nuclear programme, which the Western powers and Israel say conceals a plan to develop atomic weapons.

The reports on RIA and other Russian news agencies of Makarov’s remarks to local journalists did not quote the general specifying which of Iran’s adversaries he was referring to, nor what they might do or when.

However, in recent weeks there has been renewed speculation, fuelled by remarks from U.S. and Israeli officials, that one or other or both those countries might launch strikes on Iran.


Categories: Europe, Russia

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