Is Depression a Modern Life Disease?

source: TOI on line

Ask yourself what causes you stress easily. It could be a work deadline, a heated argument, partner troubles, the list is endless. Though these may look like simple daily worries, experts suggest that it is these daily life events that trigger flight or fight reactions in the body, which in turn lead to debilitating mental conditions such as depression. A depressed person feels like a failure and sees little hope for an improved state of affairs. Symptoms of depression can vary from one individual to another in intensity and frequency. An episode of depression can be categorised as mild, moderate or severe depending upon the intensity of symptoms. Today, Dr. Pulkit Sharma, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytical Therapist at VIMHANS, New Delhi will take us through the what, why and how of depression – a deadly modern life disease.


Is Depression a Modern Life Disease?

Categories: Health

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