Ron Paul: US education indoctrinates children

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Speaking to a group of homeschooling advocates US Republican Congressman and 2012 presidential hopeful Ron Paul warned that the US Department of Education was working to “indoctrinate” their children.

They [US Department of Education] don’t educate our kids, they indoctrinate our kids,” he said. “It’s a propaganda machine.”

Those who willingly stand against the government and the Department of Education by opting to home school are, he contended, standing up and making an “effort to counteract the propaganda machine.”

Paul is no stranger to targeting the Department of Education, in fact he has ion many occasions argued it should be abolished entirely.

Kids who are homeschooled are better off, he argued. Those who received a public education are the ones with problems.

In public education they’re intimidated to be conformists and individuals taught at home are very adapted to expressing what they believe,” he told the crowd. Read more:

Categories: Americas, United States

1 reply

  1. A stable family structure is so important as emphasized in Islam. Mother/ parents as the first teachers and home the first school for acquiring and developing knowledge and belief systems!

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