Look At The Shocking Difference Between Fast Food Ads And Real Menu Items

Food advertising is infamous for the techniques it uses to make items look bigger and better. The fast food industry is no different.

Dario D undertook a lengthy project to compare the pictures shown in fast food ads to the real thing that arrives on your plastic tray. He posted the results on his blog at Alphaila, along with his methodology (via Buzzfeed).

“I brought the food home, tossed it into my photography studio, and did ad-style shoots, with pictures of the official ads on my computer next to me, so I could match the lighting and angles,” he writes on his blog.

Consumers have always known that advertisers have used a bit of creative freedom in their depiction of food, but when you put the pics side-by-side, it’s a bit startling. Take a look:

fast food ads

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fast-food-ads-vs-the-real-thing-2012-1#ixzz1j6VklWsM

Categories: Advertisement, Food

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