Meet the neoliberal Adam

Source: Asia Times:

Now for post-history’s favorite weapon: war neoliberalism. The best analysis these past few years by far is to be found in French geostrategist Alain Joxe’s book Les Guerres de L’Empire Global.

Joxe mixes it all up, because it is all interconnected – the eurocrisis, the European debt crisis, occupations and wars, restriction of civil liberties, totally corrupted elites – to unmask the project of Neoliberalism’s Global Empire, which goes way beyond the American Empire.

Financialization’s ultimate goal is unlimited accumulation of profit – a system where the wealthy get much wealthier and the poor get literally nothing (or, at best austerity). The real-life Masters of the Universe are a denationalized rentier class – cannot even call them noblesse, because mostly their absence of taste and critical sense is appalling, as in purveyors of unabashed bling bling. What they do is to the benefit of corporations, instead of the protecting functions of states. In this state of things military adventures become police doctrine. And a new information technology – from drones to “special” munitions – can be used against popular movements, not only in the South but also the North.

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