Are Muslim Women Really Second Class Citizens?

by Alayna Ahmad, Student, The Extension School, Harvard University HUFFPOST RELIGION

The Muslim world today is inundated with stereotypes and fallacies about women’s role within society. Despite the Quran’s clear promotion of women’s rights in Islam, the interpretation of the Hadith and Quran by men has led to patriarchal structures and male dominated cultures. Ironically, Muslim women had more rights during the time of the Prophet in seventh century Arabia than they do in some overtly religious societies. The lack of access to education and authentic Islamic education for women today has contributed to the widespread acceptance of their inferior status.

One of the reasons for the establishment of Islam was to liberate women. It gave them equal civil status with men through the right to own property, to inherit, to petition for divorce and to receive an education amongst many other entitlements. The Prophet’s wife Khadija was a prominent businesswoman and the first person to accept Islam, whilst reassuring her husband of his Prophethood. It was not until post-Muhammad, with the codification of the laws and the development of Islamic jurisprudence that the role of women in society became limited. This can be attributed to the motivation to interpret the Quran and Hadith literature by some men to reflect the cultural nuances of the time.

The countless number of Hadiths that flooded into the early Islamic community were filled with inaccuracies not least by combining fact with allegory. Hence, evidence could be located to support a Caliph and promote his purpose without any test to establish the legitimacy of Hadiths. An example of an aHadith (singular form of Hadith) that contradicts the Quran is the creation of Eve. The aHadith, which has become authenticated, states that Eve was created from Adam’s ribcage, an idea most likely borrowed from the book of Genesis 2:18-24. However, the Quran speaks of creation in equal terms. There is no mention of man being created before woman or vice versa. So, with no mention in the Quran, which is believed by virtually every Muslim to be the word of God, should the scholars not have interpreted this aHadith as weak or even false? This, however, has not happened. Instead, due to this aHadith, women have been faced with prejudices against them for being God’s second best creation and moreover solely created for the pleasure of men.


3 replies

  1. I agree condition of women in most Muslim world is extremely deplorable not all but those who do not have access to claim their due rights.

  2. If anyone treated me as a second class citizen , i would challenge this by rational, logical & reasonable dialogue because the prophet Muhummud did not treat women as second class citizens.

  3. No and yes. No she is not a second calss citizen. Because if we follow Islamic teaching.Then she is not only first class citizen but a super class citizen she is.
    And if we do not then she is not even second class bout lowest class.
    Very few stay in between.
    Either she is given extreme freedom that maddens her. Or she is narrowed the circle of life on her where she rottingly suffocates.
    She only needs to be acknowledged as human being.she has many ups to men in certain avenues. Such as dignity and respect, loyalty and care, forbearance and sincerity.
    Men are granted ups in the avenues of life, where they need. Hence it is this equality they both share. such as a strong built, bread winner or provider for the family.
    His part is very laborious. A woman as if is made to sit on chair(home) and man is made to serve her. And save her form heats and colds of the world.
    Only sick minds find trouble in these clear guidelines.

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