First British Muslim Ahmadi Minister – Aid to Pakistan will Continue

Source: Pakistan Current Affairs

Watch Our own Brother Tariq (Lord and now Minister in David Cameron Cabinet) the compere of Faith Matters on MTA give his views on Aid to Pakistan, Islam and Governance issues.


11 replies

  1. I am answering my own question:

    LONDON: As part of the recent government reshuffle, the British Prime Minister David Cameron has appointed Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon to the government front bench in the House of Lords.

    Lord Ahmad, who is of Pakistani origin, joins the UK ministerial team as a government whip and front bench spokesman covering 3 departments — International Development, Justice and Communities & Local Government. He also becomes a Lord in Waiting to HM Queen Elizabeth II.

    He brings to the government front bench a wide range of experience from a successful city business career spanning over 20 years. A former Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party, Lord Ahmad also has extensive experience of local government having served as an elected Councillor for 10 years in London.

    He has also been involved with a variety of charities and community projects over 25 years and has raised thousands of pounds for UK charities.

  2. Alhamdolillah! May Allah grant him the wisdom and strength to standby the just causes.
    Allah (swt) always helps those who believe in Him and his Prophets. But we have to be mindful that we never never act wrongly and always seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

  3. Alhamdolillah to see this success, more will come innsha Allah,my humble prayers for brother Tariq.
    May Allah shower His guidence on him in all respect and bless with good health.Amin

  4. May Almighty Allah help Lord Tariq, give him strength , wisdom and good health to perform successfully.May the Jama’at produce more of Lord Tariq Ahmad for the benefit of humanity. Lord Tariq Ahmad, Zindabad!.

  5. I want to congratulate to my brother Taariq sahib may Allah the Almighty bless him with wisdom and good understanding i pray for him that he can perform his responsibilities successfuly inshaallah

  6. Thank you Mr. Editor, ‘TMT’,for such a pleasing, pleasant faith-inspiring news of posting/appointment of Lord Tariq Ahmad as minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister David Cameron. He becomes the first British Muslim Ahmadi Minister to serve as Govt.Whip of the British Ahmadiyya Muslim community as Govt.Whip and the front-bench spokesman for the House of Lords in the Cabinet of Prime Minister David Cameron. Lord Tariq will be the spokesman for three deptt. of International Development, Justice and the Local Govt. He is also made a Lord-in-Waiting to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. All these aspects of Lord Tariq’s national assignments in the land of choice of his Parents of Pakistani roots really make all Pakistanis and especially Ahmadis feel proud of his outstanding achievements in various field of activities. Last week, I had a good-luck chance to see and listen the TV NewsOne interview of Lord Tariq and it was really very rewarding one to note that he genuinely wants help develop Pakistan as much as possible. One wishes him all god speed and best of luck. Yes! one is surprised to note that being born and brought up in Uk, he spoke in fluent Urdu. All these aspects of the life of Lord Tariq Ahmad make me feel great and happy and I pray for his outstanding performance as the first British Muslim Ahmadi Minister, something which may please PM David Cameron that he gave his blessings to the right man at the right time and it made him feel all the more rewarded and honored. On such a great historic occasion, hearty Congratulations to Lord Tariq and also to the blessed members of Uk jama’at. Alhamdolillah.

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