Does Islam Condone Honour Killings?

Source: Kingston This Week –

Islamic group holds open house

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Canada (AMYA) is holding a number of open houses this weekend at public library branches, to promote peace, condemn terrorism and dispel myths about honour killing.

Rizwan Rabbani, the National Executive Director of the religious organization, says, “We have been promoting peace, condemning terrorism and dispelling myths about Islam as a part of our nationwide campaign for the past year,” visiting 238 towns throughout Canada.

More recently, while the jury was deliberating the Shafia trail verdict, volunteers from the group were “knocking on doors in Kingston to condemn acts of honour killing,” says Rabbani.

The information sessions, entitled “Tribute to Mother Mary, An Islamic Perspective” will focus on women in general and what does Islam has to say about honour killings.

These open houses will take place in four branches of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Saturday, Feb. 4, from noon-4 p.m., at the main branch, the Pittsburgh Branch, the Isabel Turner Branch, and Calvin Park Branch.

4 replies

  1. What I do not understand is that a man kills his, say, daughter for violating his honor and then, hopes to keep on living with the dishonor! I would put such folks far below the pre-Islam Arab Bedouins who would kill their daughters before they could bring them dishonor. Islam does not condone either of those stupid approaches.
    On the other hand Islam does prescribe some very harsh punishments for those who are found, in a Muslim society, engaged in adulterous acts, by four witnesses. The idea is to keep unwanted behavior from becoming rampant in the society. Otherwise it is hard to catch two persons engaged in sexual activity so openly that four respectable persons of known integrity would witness that.
    So do not bring Islam and Islamic punishments into it, please.

  2. According to Sharial law, honor killing by a vigilante is permitted:

    “Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst…..When a person who
    has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostasizes from Islam, he deserves to be
    killed…There is no indemnity for killing an apostate…” (‘Umdat al-Salik, Reliance of the
    Traveller, Chapter 08.0-08.4)

    A Muslim parent faces no legal penalty under Islamic law for killing his child or grandchild: “…not subject to retaliation” is “a
    father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik, 01.1-2)

    Some authorities insist that only the caliph has the authority to execute apostates, the point is that for an ordinary Muslim to do so is not considered murder. Thus, according to the Shafi’i sharia manual, The Reliance of the Traveller, killing an apostate without lawful authority at worst attracts a minor disciplinary action, for ‘arrogating the caliph’s perogative and encroaching upon his rights’ (p.596 of the Keller translation). More than this, some scholars judge killing an apostate to be a righteous act, especially when the state is unwilling to apply the sharia’s rulings. Consider for example the remarkable outpourings of support for convicted assassin of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, including a scene in which hundreds of Pakistani lawyers showered the killer with rose petals.

    Al-Qemany understands all this. He himself has remarked that the allegation of his defection from Islam ‘means, in our country, that I could be slain; any citizen is allowed to kill me and be awarded by God in Paradise’.

    Mohammed Shafia believes ‘his’ females were apostates and that he had a duty to murder them. We can see where he got these notions.

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