Merkel quashes revolt over female exec quota

Source: The Local

The Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, rejected the motion, which called for a 40-percent binding quota for women in supervisory and management boards of large companies within a decade.

After an emotional debate, 320 lawmakers voted ‘no’, while 277 voted in favour, with one abstention.

Five months ahead of elections, opposition deputies had forced the vote which earlier in the week backed Merkel into a corner after some of her allies threatened to break ranks and help pass the motion.

Urging parliament’s support, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a leading member of the centre-left Social Democrats, said if progress continued at the current rate “it will take until the middle of the century until we have 40 percent of supervisory boards occupied by women”.

2 replies

  1. Competence needs no quota. If women are more capable be given a chance in open market. Quota system always breeds in easy way and will affect the overall performance. Those advocating it might be playing for political gains.

  2. Even women know very well if justice, true equality, transparent assessment are prevailed there would be less than 5% women left in academic and professional cadres and even those will be staying on basis of seniority. Its a fact.
    We all have reached to a concrete conclusions that women are not designed for any leading role of spiritual/social reforms, scientific/engineering research/innovation, political and strategical leadership for instance take a look some discriminatory groomed female prime ministers (UK, Argentina, Pakistan, Australia etc) or on purpose selected stateswomen like Warsi in UK who not only gave totally childish statements but did extremely nonsense things as if they run home affairs.

    In surveys conducted in UK, US and others that 85% women accepted know that they used those tactics and means for promotion and career advancements that men cannot.
    A rapid saturation is on increase with respect to innovation and invention where there is a rise in women researcher volume….quite alarming situation.

    OECD has confirmed that women literacy rate in higher education is rapidly engulfing….a growing deep concern……boys always look for ambitions and curiosity while girls are more hardworking, obedient and yes-sir fellows.

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