Marching for a more tolerant Indonesia

Members of Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation join the protest calling for the protection of religious freedom.

Khabar South Asia:

It is rare when leaders from numerous religious communities gather to protest religious intolerance. But on April 8th, Ahmadiyah, Shia, Christian, and Sunni Muslim leaders stood united demanding Indonesia protect its religious minorities.
he march by some 300 people outside the national parliament was supported by the country’s largest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

“We are here to tell the world that Muslims are tolerant. We are Muslims, and we are part of this march to send a message that if there is intolerance in Indonesia, it is only caused by a small percentage of the population,” said Joko Purwanto, an NU follower who participated in the protest.

“We need to unite,” he told Khabar. “In this protest, we want to demonstrate that most Muslims are tolerant.”

Upholding pluralism

People’s Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat/MPR) Speaker Taufik Kiemas met with members of the group at the legislative building after the protest.

Taufik said he would look for an opportunity to meet with heads of state and judiciary to discuss religious freedom. He promised to schedule meetings in the near future with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Chief Justice M. Hatta Ali, and the Judicial Commission.

“I will convey what everyone desires – for Indonesia to be more tolerant,” Taufik said. He also expressed appreciation for those aspirations being expressed through non-violent protest.


Categories: Asia, Indonesia

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