Romanian PM: Secret police in German press

Credit: The Local Germany

Conspiracy theory. Photo: DPA

Premier Victor Ponta claimed that former Soviet-era agents were operating within the German media and that they were to blame for critiques of his administration.

He said agents whose loyalties lay with late Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu whose secret service, the Securitate, had hidden operatives in the ranks of the press. He blamed them for bad press coverage when he tried to have political rival, Romanian President Traian Besascu, impeached.

“In Germany, Ceausescu’s former Securitate has and continue to have its best men in the press,” Ponta told the television channel Antena 3. Despite their German names, said Ponta, they “speak Romanian as well as you and me.”

“There are people there who, if you look at the last 20 years, are the only ones to write about Romania and they do it ‘correctly’,” he said


Categories: Europe, Germany

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