Pearls of Wisdom: Sayings of Hadhrat Ali


Ø As the body becomes tired, the heart becomes tired too. You should therefore search for beautiful sayings for them. [To enjoy by way of refreshment].

Ø He who does not know his own worth is ruined.

Ø The worth of every man is in his attainment.

Ø The worth of a man is according to his courage, his truthfulness is according to his balance of temper, his valour is according to his self – respect, and his chasteness is according to his sense of shame.

Ø A self-respecting person never commits adultery.

Ø He who puts himself in condition of ill repute should not blame those who entertain bad ideas about him.

Ø If a person has good idea about you, make his idea be true.

Ø It is enough for your own discipline that you refrain from what you dislike from others.

Ø Loving one another is half of wisdom.

Ø The most unfortunate of all men is he who cannot find a few friends during his lifetime, but still more unfortunate is he who finds one but loses him [because of his behaviour].

Ø Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you live they crave for your company.

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