Pakistan bus crash kills 26 children and 2 teachers east of capital

Source/Credit: The Washington Post via AP

ISLAMABAD — Police say at least 26 school children and two teachers have been killed in a bus accident in Pakistan.

The bus was returning from a school trip to a salt mine popular with tourists when it plunged into a ditch late Monday.

Police officer Irshad Hussein says 40 other people on the bus were injured.

The accident happened in Kalar Kahar, around 160 kilometers east of the capital Islamabad.

Pakistan has one of the world’s worst records for deadly traffic accidents, blamed on poor roads, badly maintained vehicles and reckless driving.

At least seven children were killed in June when their bus fell into a canal in Pakistan-held Kashmir.

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Categories: Pakistan

1 reply

  1. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaehi rajioona,May almighty Allah forgive all those who lost their lives in the accident and give quick recovery to the injured ones.May Allah consoled their families and give them fortitude to bear this tragedy.

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