ISLAM: Attack on Churches is sacrilege


In the year 631, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) signed a treaty with a delegation of 60 Christian members of a monotheist community from Narjan, a city 600 KM south of Medine, defining the permanence of inter-religious relations. Those who are responsible for planning and executing attack on Church in Peshawar and other such churches have violated ‘Treaty of Narjan’ and are unfortunately liable to become impostors in the eyes of God. No living Muslim can claim to be more knowledgeable or closer to the Almighty than the Prophet (PBUH). It is time genuine Ulema of this country stand up to project teachings of Islam and Prophet Mohammed PBUH, instead of portraying it as a religion that authorizes use of terror, although Islam is a religion of peace.

The text of treaty clearly elaborates“Charter of protection given by God and his Apostle to those which received the Book, with the Christians who belong to the religion of Najran or any other sect Christian. It was written to them by Mohammad, envoy of God close to all the men, in pledge of protection on behalf of God and his Apostle, and so that this is for the Muslims who will come after him a pact which will engage them, that they will have to admit, to recognize for authentic and to observe in their favor”. It further states “That which will preserve it, which will respect it, which will conform to what is contained there, will discharge its duties and will observe the pact of the Apostle of God. That which, on the contrary, will violate it, which will be opposed to it, which will change it, will relate its crime to its head; because it will have betrayed the pact of God, will have violated his faith, will have resisted its authority and contravened the will of its Apostle: he will be thus impostor with the eyes of God. Because the religion that God imposed, and the pact whom it made, make protection obligatory. The protection of God and the guarantee of the Prophet Muhammad, extend on Najran and neighborhood, that is to say on their goods, their people, the practice of their worship, their absent and present, their families and their sanctuaries, and all that large and small, is in their possession”.

Lahore, September 23.

2 replies

  1. The attackers on churches and mosques should be declared as non-Muslims, rather declared as Kafir, because kafir is a well known declared enemy of all faiths.

    Declare them as Kafir then see the result. But will the maulvis in their sermons declare them as kafir? The maulvis should be asked whether those attacking and killing innocent people are Kafir or not. This question must be resolved first at a country wide forum, from all those who claim to be Muslims.

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