Iranian Producers Hopeful Of Good Response For Their 3D animated TV series, “Muhammad, The Last Messenger of God”


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 (Bernama) — Iranian film producers, brothers Daryoush and Kianoush Dalvand, are hopeful of a good response from around the world fortheir 3D animated television series, “Muhammad, The Last Messenger of God”.

There have been so much of misunderstandings and wrongful portrayals of Islam and Prophet Muhammad, and it is hoped that such Islam-based films, portraying the real struggles and stories of the Prophet, will help create more understanding of Islam and to some extent help dispel misunderstandings, said Daryoush told Bernama.

“The Prophet was kind, loving and just and treated everyone equally during his time, irrespective of their colour, race, creed and belief. Islamic stories are nothing more than about humanity and peace and these aspects are often overlooked or not known,” he said.

The Last Messenger, which is also available in a movie format, depicts the struggles and victory of the Prophet from the time he was aged 40 to his last days.

It is the second 3D animation work directed by Kianoush, who also directed the 3D animated movie, “Battle of the Kings: Rostam and Sohrab”, which was introduced on the sidelines of the Cannes Film Festival in France last year…  continue reading at 

1 reply

  1. The film may be just a business venture. I do not know what good it will do. But I am not agreed to the title of the film as “Muhammad as the last messenger”. The Arabic word for messenger is Rasool.

    All Rasool are not superior to the prophets. Only some are so. The other Rasool follow the prophet after he has gone away. So some Rasool come after every prophet, to carry forward his message.

    Since Muhammad s.a.w.s. was a Prophet and Rasool, he must also be followed by a messenger. So Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) cannot be the last messenger even though his message is the last message.

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