VIEW: Religious tolerance revisited — Rohail Khan


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Islam recognises plurality of religions, and gives the right to individuals to choose the path that they believe to be true 

Two suicide bombers blew themselves up amid 600 Christian worshippers outside the historic All-Saints Church in Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar last Sunday. Consequently, 85 innocent Pakistani citizens succumbed to death. A wing of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the bombings, saying they would continue to target non-Muslims until the US stops drone attacks in Pakistan.

Bingo! If you are an emotional person, then naturally, you would come out to the streets and protest against this terrorism. On the other hand, if you are mature and balanced, you would practice restraint and utilise your wisdom to identify the people and motives behind this untoward incident.

The scenario, ladies and gentlemen, is very simple. The nefarious act was conducted by the ‘Pakistani Taliban’. The ‘Afghan Taliban’, on the other side of the border, are struggling to establish an Islamic state in Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban are a different species altogether. They are the miscreants inducted from within Pakistan by the intelligence agencies. These Pakistani Taliban have cropped up mostly during the last 10 years and have been engaged in select terrorist acts in the cities, mostly to harass common citizens, breed hatred against the establishment, and cause inter-faith and inter-community clashes. The Pakistani Taliban, many of them foreign nationals, are the young recruits who have little education and no money to sustain. Hence, it is easy to convert them into ‘misguided Muslims’.

The average Pakistani citizen was provoked by what happened this week in Peshawar. The intelligent and more patriotic ones would conclude that this incident is yet another move to spread insecurity… continue reading at

1 reply

  1. Rohail Khan is right about the recognition of the rights of non-Muslims, being attacked by the Taliban Pakistan (The hidden forces attacking minorities).

    What about the very much known (visible) forces within country openly abusing and killing the Muslims? Should not they be taken to task first? They are the breeding ground of terrorism, many of them coming from the old time opponents of Pakistan movement. They must be restrained first and questioned and a bond taken from them not to spread hatred against anyone in the country, even outside the country.

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