Alislam-eGazette Publishes a Remarkable Collection of Muslim Heritage

Taj Mahal: One of the New 7 Wonders of the World

Alislam-eGazette  is a monthly electronic publication of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, since 2007. It has more than 40,000 subscribers.

Most recently it has published a collection about Muslim heritage.

This volume includes not only a few new articles but also links all the previous annual publications on this subject.

George Sarton , famous for his book, Introduction to the History of Science, started the 30th chapter of his book, with this short paragraph:

The remark which I made at the beginning of the previous chapter applied to the whole of the ninth century. I said that that century was essentially a Muslim century. This is more true of the second half than of the first, for with the exception of King Alfred, practically all the scientific leaders were Muslims, or at any rate were working with and for Muslims and wrote in Arabic.

The readers will hear more from George Sarton in coming months and years, God willing.

Read the volume, in Alislam.

For the collection of the Muslim Times about Muslim heritage.

For the collection about Muslim heritage in Islam for the West.

Categories: Highlight, Muslim Heritage

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