Salam, Dr Salam

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Source/Credit: The Friday Times By Various | 15-21 Feb: 2013

He was unlucky that he chose Physics and Mathematics to excel in. Had he learnt bigotry and sycophancy, he would have had millions of lovers and followers in his country.

The following two letters have appeared in the Letters to the Editor colum of the Friday Times, Lahore of  15-21 Feb: 2013

Salam, Dr Salam – I

“Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or color will determine who received of his generosity,” Pakistan’s only Nobel laureate Dr Abdus Salam said in his speech at the Nobel Banquet on December 10, 1979. “On this occasion, let me say this to those whom God has given his bounty: let us strive to provide equal opportunities to all so that they can engage in the creation of physics and science for the benefit of all mankind.” The spirit of the message delivered at Stockholm about 33 years ago is universal equality and justice.


Categories: Asia, Dr. Abdus Salam, Pakistan

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