Dutch design challenges Fifa’s football hijab ban

Players were prevented from wearing the hijab at top levels of the game for safety reasons, and because of rules stating that religious symbols were not allowed.

Critics say the ban promotes inequality at the highest level of the world’s most popular game.

A Facebook page called “Let Us Play“, which supports players’ rights to wear a headscarf has already generated more than 60,000 likes.

And speculation is growing that the ban could be lifted this summer if the Dutch-designed hijab is given Fifa’s seal of approval.

Out on the outskirts of Utrecht, 14 breathless girls are careering up and down the pitch.

VV Hoograven are playing DVSU. The girls are aged between eight and twelve.

The visiting team is made up of tall fair-haired light-skinned girls. All the girls in the home side are Muslims of Moroccan descent.

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