An Indonesian Mom is on a Book Mission

The Jakarta Globe:

It’s not like Vera Makki didn’t have her hands full already. The 35-year-old works in public relations, is a lecturer at the University of Indonesia and, most important, is a wife and the mother of an 8-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son.

But Vera still found time to start her own foundation, Taman Bacaan Anak Lebah (Bee Children Reading Garden) in 2009. The foundation offers underprivileged children in eastern Indonesia reading material to help instill the habit and joy of reading at an early age.

Vera has loved books and been an avid reader since she was young, so the foundation’s mission was a natural fit.

“It started with my dream to have a small library at home where anyone could read books at any time,” she said. “As a mom, I’m grateful that my children’s school provides the students with lots of books and a big library. They encourage the students to read, and have a regular storytelling session

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Categories: Asia, Indonesia

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