Malaysia: Ahmadi Muslims arrested for performing Friday (Jumma) prayers  and would like to report this news:

[T]he raid [news] is published in Harian Metro and a video recording of the raid has been uploaded onto the YouTube. JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor), religious authority caught the Ahmadi Muslims by reason of  its allegation “Ahmadiyya is astray and mislead.”

Captivity for proceeding Jumma Prayer:

Malaysia- Ahmadi Muslims Malaysia who proceeded Jumma prayer were caught by police just because they are Ahmadi Muslims. It happened in Ahmadiyya place near Batu Caves, Selangor D.E., Malaysia.

Maulana Ainul Yaqin-Mubasheer is also among them. Maulana Abdussatar Rauf is seen in this picture, he was also caught.

Maulana Ainul Yaqin-Mubasheer is also among them. Maulana Abdussatar Rauf is seen in this picture. The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles to overcome sectarianism among the Muslims, Saturday, 12 April, 2014 reported:

Kuala Lumpur:

“Now I would like to ask, if we are called by JAIS, religious authority as non-Muslim, but we are not under JAIS incumbency. Where ever we wish to proceed prayer, that is our right…”

said leader of Ahmadiyya Community Malaysia when Ahmadiyya place was assault by JAIS after he finished leading “Jumma prayer” along with 30 ahmadi Muslims on the second floor of a hotel Bajet in Batu Caves last night.

The 2.10 pm assault was conducted by 30 JAIS officer, led by Penolong Pengarah Unit Dasar, Penyelewengan and Doktrinisasinya Shahrom Maarop, religious councils after their 3 weeks-stakeout.

While the assaulting occurrence, the leader of Ahmadiyya Community repeatedly said that his party has memorandum giving to monarchy about the teaching that has been stood since tens of years.

The latest news received last night is that all Ahmadi Muslims have been released from the captivity.

News Compiled by Iin Qurrotul Ain binti T Hidayatullah

Further news from:

Malaysia: ‘Enforcement officers’ from Islamic Religious Department arrest 41 Ahmadis in Selangor

The members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Malaysia say they are shocked and saddened at the “very blatant attempt” by the Islamic Religious Department to stop Ahmadis from performing their Friday prayers.


The Community issued a press statement earlier today describing the raid and mistreatment community members suffered at the hands of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) during a raid at the Ahmadiyya prayer center at Jumaa (Friday) prayers in Selangor state.

Reportedly, some 30 JAIS ‘enforcement officers’ descended upon the Ahmadiyya Salat Center at Dolomite Park Avenue, Jalan Batu Caves, with a search warrant and ransacked the place citing reports of activity deemed unauthorized by the Islamic Religious Department.

The religious police officers arrested 41 Ahmadi members who had just completed their Friday prayers and drove most of the detainees to the JAIS headquarters in Shah Alam, some 50km away. Four members were brought to a nearby JAIS office in Gombak.

The Ahmadiyya  Imam and Missionary of the mosque was taken separately to a nearby police station and then to the JAIS headquarters at Shah Alam, where… read more at

Suggested reading

The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles to overcome sectarian divide among the Muslims

Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

We Will be Judged by Our Compassion and Deeds and Not Our Dogma

Forty Hadiths or Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad about Compassionate Living

Are Ahmadi Muslims: A Collection of Articles?


7 replies

  1. Assalamu’alaikum wrwb
    It is really sad, pity, heartbreaking and embarrassing what is happening in Malaysia and Pakistan.

    I have some suggestion to Muslim Ahmadiyah.

    1. If we allow Syariah Laws become the official laws.Government will forbid Muslim Ahmadiyah and Shia to pray like other Muslim. Because they accuse Ahmadiyah and Shian are NOT Muslim according to his idol through the book Muslim and Bukhari

    2. I Urge Muslim Ahmadiyah to protest peacefully, and never stop till your voice will be heart.Till justice for all people, and till the freedom to religion. No one can judge other beliefs or sins except Allah alone.

    Like Martin Luther King did in 1966 to protest USA government that committed discrimination against American-African because they are black skin.

    Finally, Martin Luther King won successfully, Now we can see the excellent result from his’s struggle in 1966, 47 years ago. Obama became President of America. Is it cool?

    3. We, Moderately educated Muslim around the world have to unite our voice against extremist Muslim around the world. If we do not do it, God will not help us. As God warned us all.

    Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves . QS .13:11.

    May God give the strength to fight the extremist Muslim, or extremist governments who discriminate against Muslim Ahmadiyah, Shian. Chritian, Jews, gay-Lesbian, etc

    All love

  2. The silent Muslim majority is also suffering due to their wrong concepts. There is no compulsion in the matters of faith. Quran teaches fearless comfortable life to people of all faiths as long as they are peaceful (The words in Quran are doing good deeds). That means they may have any belief. If they are doing good deeds, meaning they are peaceful, people of any faith need not fear nor be sorry for anything. It is mentioned in verse 2:62/63:

    Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 : Verse 63
    Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah (i.e. God) and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. [2:63]
    In the above verse, it is told to Muslims that a person of any faith doing good deeds will have no fear nor shall they grieve. It means, they should have no fear and should not be grieved in this world too.
    That is how it should be and the Muslims are included in that verse in the first place. They are to act accordingly. They (so-called Muslims) should not disturb any one who is law abiding and peaceful person.
    It is a shame for the Muslims to punish any prayer monger, any one who is praying to God. The person may be a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or a person of any faith. It is a shame on the Muslims to reverse the teachings of the Quran and to follow the misguided notions of the Mullas who have no real knowledge. The poor Muslim majority will not progress unless they shun away from the bigoted Muslim leaders.
    Poor Muslims in any country should not rise against any government. They should rise against the bigots only and should not support any government which is supporting those bigots.

  3. How lucky these guys are, caught for praying to their God and not for terrorism. wish to be one of them.
    “wah!! burhana eh nehmatan kitho”

  4. sir isend email every link but not replay me please
    replayme my name anjum rasheed from pakistan but this time i leve in kulalumpur malaysia sir i want ahmadia
    bait but any person not replay me i wach everytime MTA chennel pleasereplay me my cell number 01126994490 in malaysia

  5. “wah!! burhana eh nehmatan kitho”
    Trans: Good luck Burhanuddin (a disciple of the Promised Messiah), you are getting all these blessings.
    The above words were uttered by the great disciple when many Mullas i.e. enemies of the Promised Messiah a.s, caught Burhanuddin who was at the end of a procession in company with the Promised Messiah. He was caught and dirt and extremely dirty matter was forcefully put into his mouth.
    But he marveled on that and did not complain. He considered it a great blessing that he was receiving due to his belief in the promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. of Qadian.
    May Allah bless Burhanuddin sahib of Jhelum with high ranks in paradise. ameen.

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