Gender Equality in the Holy Qur’an – In the Beginning Man and Woman Were Equal


“But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven, and shall not be wronged even as much as the little hollow in the back of a date-stone.” (Al Qur’an 4:125)


Written by Dr. Lutf ur Rehman. Nashville, USA

With the advent of modern education and inclusion of women in the workforce over the last two centuries, the patriarchal nature of societies is also in a state of flux. Over the course of human history, men have dominated the role of leadership in these societies. Even today a great majority of human population lives in this arrangement. It worked well when physical strength was an asset. Most of the work was done manually and fighting in the army required physical strength. Men had a great advantage over women in this area. Therefore the societies were aligned to suit their interests. Women were assigned to a subservient role and were mostly confined to home and domestic work. Over the course of human history this role of women – rearing children and caring for the home and her husband – became their normal function in the society. They were not included in the affairs of men and were considered inferior in many ways. Men literally owned their women like livestock and property. Women had no rights – their fate was decided by the word and wishes of their men. They were not given education, had no say in their marriage, could not own property, and required permission of their men folk to do anything in their lives. Any woman who would not follow such norms in the society was punished and sometimes even killed by her own father, brother or husband, and it was considered honorable for men to do so. Political and religious systems were often used to perpetuate such oppression of women. 

Christian Arab writer, Norma Khouri noted, honor killings originate from the belief that a woman’s chastity is the property of her family, a cultural norm that comes “from our ancient tribal days, from the Hammurabi and Assyrian tribes of 1200 B.C.”[i]  Matthew A. Goldstein, J.D. (Arizona), has also noted that honor killings were encouraged in ancient Rome, where male family members who did not take actions against the female adulterers in their family were “actively persecuted.”[ii] The Roman law of ‘pater familias’ gave complete control to the men of the family for both their children and wives. Under these laws, the lives of children and wives were at the sole discretion of the men in their family. 

In the sixth century Arabia, men were ashamed if a daughter was born in their household. Many who considered themselves courageous and brave would bury their daughters after their birth to get rid of the shame. The practice was considered honorable. Qays bin Asim, ancient leader of Banu Tamim is credited by some historians as the first to kill children on the basis of honor. It is recorded that he murdered all of his daughters to prevent them from ever causing him any kind of dishonor. This is the time which was called the time of ignorance or “Jahiliyyah” by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). He brought a message which was forward looking, open minded and based upon principals of justice for all – men and women. Holy Qur’an is the Word of God and a lasting source of guidance for all Muslims for all times. 

Let us examine if Qur’an accepts or prescribes an inferior role for women?


Qur’an uses the word khalaqa to describe creation. Khalaqa means to create, to bring something into existence from a state of non-existence. The account of creation in the Qur’an also makes it clear that the creation happened in several steps and not all at once:

Just recall the time when your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am going to create a human of clay: (primordial soup) when I perfect it in every way (evolution), and blow into it of my ruh (spiritual awareness), all of you should bow down before it.’ (Al Qur’an 38: 72-73)

Qur’an addresses many aspects of creation in different verses. If we look at the creation of human beings, Qur’an does not tell us if man was created before the woman or if woman was created from man thus implying an inferior status as part is not equal to the whole. Qur’an does not say that Adam was the first man. It also does not say that Eve was created from Adam’s rib. These concepts have come to us from the Bible:

And God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. (Genesis 2:21-22)

There are some Ahadith which tell us that Eve was created from man’s rib but all of them are considered weak as their sources are weak and all originated from one person, Ibn Abbas. The content (matn) of these Ahadith is also in contradiction to Qur’anic version of creation. Therefore these Ahadith are best disregarded. 

Then there are some other Ahadith where women are compared with the shape of a rib or derived from a rib. Some are mentioned in Bokhari and Muslim, the two most influential Hadith collections in Sunni Islam. One such hadith is quoted here:

‘Abd al-‘Aziz related to us that he was reporting on the authority of ‘Abd Allah who said: Malik had told us that he was reporting on the authority of Abu Zinad who was reporting on the authority of al-A’raj who was reporting on the authority of Abu Hurairah (with whom may Allah be pleased) who said: Allah’s Rasul (may peace be on him) said:The woman is like a rib, if you try to straighten her, she will break. So if you want to get benefit from her, do so while she still has some crookedness. (Bokhari)

With regards to the isnad (list of transmitters) the following may be noted: All these ahadith are cited on the authority of Abu Hurairah, a Companion who was regarded as controversial by many early Muslim scholars, including Imam Abu Hanifah (A.D. 700-767),founder of the largest Sunni school of law (fiqh). All six of such ahadith in Bokhari and Muslim are gharib (the lowest grade of hadith classification) because they contain a number of transmitters who were single reporters. All of these six ahadith are da’if (weak) because they have a number of unreliable transmitters. Matn (content) of these Ahadith is also contrary to Qur’anic version of creation of human beings, which we shall examine now: 

O people be aware of your Lord, Who created you (humans) from a single soul (nafs) and created therefrom mates for you. (4:2)

He it is who has created you from a single soul (nafs). (7:190)

(God) created you (humans) from a single soul (nafs). (39:7)

Qur’an describes creation of human beings from a single soul – nafs – which is a gender neutral term. From this nafs, God created both man and woman.

Allah also tells us in the Qur’an that He perfected the creation of humans:

Surely We created the humankind in the best stature. (95:5)

Allah it is Who …. fashioned you , and perfected your shapes. (40:65)

Who (God) gave everything He created the best form. (32:7)

Here perfection means that God created humans exactly as He wanted to. Also a look at these verses and many others in the Qur’an make it clear that the creation did not happen all at once. The creation of humans was perfected over time, pointing towards evolution. One of the names of God is “Musawwir,” meaning an artist:

He is God, The Creator, The Maker, The Fashioner (Musawwir). His are the most beautiful attributes. (Al Qur’an 59:25)

Just like an artist, God started with the basics and over time brought His creation to perfection, the process of evolution.

In the account of creation God has not assigned any superiority to one gender over the other for any reason. Qur’an describes the final step of creation as follows:

Just recall the time when your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to create a human of clay: (primordial soup) when I perfect it in every way (evolution), and blow into it of my ruh (spiritual awareness), all of you should bow down before it. (Al Qur’an 38: 72-73)

Once again God put His spirit equally in man and woman. 

Adam and Eve in the Garden

It is clear from Qur’anic descriptions that the Garden was never intended as the dwelling place for the humans. Allah’s plan for humans was to function in the earth as His trustee.

And when your Lord said to the angels, I am about to place a vicegerent in the earth. (Al Qur’an 2:31)

In the Garden humans had no need to struggle for the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter:

It is given unto you that you hunger not therein, neither are you naked, And you thirst not therein nor are you exposed to the sun’s heat. (Al Qur’an 20:119-120)

However in the Garden, and on earth, humans share the same test: the choice between obedience and disobedience. Allah warns Adam and Eve against approaching one of the trees in the Garden. The Qur’an does not give special attributes to the tree itself. It is merely a symbol of the test.

It is noteworthy that, with one exception, the Quran always uses the Arabic dual form to tell how Satan tempted both Adam and Eve and how they both disobeyed:

But Satan caused them both to slip and be expelled from where they resided. (Al Qur’an 2:37)

In maintaining the dual form, the Qur’an overcomes the negative Biblical and Judaic implications that the woman was the cause of evil and damnation.

For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. (1Timothy 2:11-12)

Moreover Qur’an clearly states that individuals – men and women – are responsible for their own actions:

Upon recognition of the error that they had made, both of them (Adam and Eve) repented and asked for forgiveness. They said, ‘Our Lord we have wronged ourselves; and if You forgive us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the lost.’ (Al Qur’an 7:24)

The one exception to the Qur’anic use of the dual form to refer to the temptation and disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden, singles out Adam:

And the devil whispered to him saying: ‘O Adam! Shall I show you the tree of immortality and power that does not waste away?’ Then the two of them (Adam and his wife) ate of the fruit (of the forbidden tree), so their shame became manifest to them and they started covering themselves with leaves. And Adam disobeyed his Lord, so went astray. (Al Qur’an 20:122)

Their Lord not only accepted their repentance and forgave them; He demonstrated a very special feature of Himself: mercy and grace. He extended to them, and to all the humans, the explicit guidance – revelation.

We can draw following guidance from this story of Adam and Eve in the Holy Qur’an.

Any human might disobey through forgetfulness, the general nature of human weakness, and the temptations of Satan, but one who recognizes his error, repents and asks for forgiveness, will be forgiven. Moreover, guidance is always available to humankind to remind them of their commitment to Allah and the guile of Satan, the enemy. This is a special mercy from their Lord. However, whoever disobeys through arrogance and intentional rebellion has been promised due punishment and eternal damnation. He is like Satan, who disobeyed and persisted in his arrogant, disobedient ways. 

The Equity of Recompense, The Hereafter in the Qur’an

The hereafter is divided into several stages: Death, Resurrection, Judgment and finally, Heaven or Hell.

Death is the first inevitable experience for each and every created being without distinction of gender, class, nationality, or time of existence. It is the first stage of the hereafter for each being. It marks the entrance to that realm:

Each nafs will taste death. And you will be paid on the day of Resurrection only that which you have fairly earned. Whoever is removed from the Fire and is made to enter Paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. (Al Qur’an 3:186)

The term nafs is used in Qura’nic discussion of the hereafter. With regard to death, it is that  essential part of each being which experiences the passage from life in this known world into the unknown realm of the hereafter. It is central to the consideration of the Hereafter because it is this term that is used to elevate the Qura’nic discussions of recompense in the Hereafter above gender distinctions. 

The Resurrection is the first part of the Hereafter, unknown or unacceptable to the Arabs at the time of the revelation:

And they say: When we are bones and fragments, shall we be raised up a new creation? Say: Be you stones or iron or some created thing that is yet greater in your thoughts. They ask, ‘who shall restore us to life?’ Say, He who created you the first time. (Al Qur’an 17:50-52)

The Qur’an is emphatic that the day of Resurrection is unlike anything experienced before:

O humankind! Fear your Lord. Lo! The earthquake of the Hour (of doom) is a tremendous thing: On that day you will witness that every nursing mother will forget her nursing and every pregnant one will be delivered of her burden, and you will see people as drunken, yet they will not be drunken, but the Doom of Allah will be strong (upon them). (Al Qur’an 22:2-3)

Thus the day of Resurrection is a disruption of the order of the reality which we have known and lived.

Existence on earth is described in the Qur’an as a trial or test to see the value of the deeds performed by the individuals. At the Resurrection all humans will be brought back to life for judgment, which will be made by Allah, who knows what is secret and what is manifest:

And not a speck’s worth in the earth or in the sky escapes your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that. (Al Qur’an 10:62)

And whether you make known what is in your minds or hide it, Allah will bring you to account for it. (Al Qur’an 2:285)

All deeds of every individual will be weighed. This will indicate the true value or measure of the deeds. Evil things are without merit or weight. (weightless) The weight of all good things will be added and given increased value.

And He accepts the prayers of those who believe and do good works, and grants them more out of His Grace. (Al Qur’an 42: 27)

If the scales are light, one has been unsuccessful. If the scales are heavy, it is an indication of success:

And we set a just balance for the day of Resurrection, so that no nafs is wronged in the slightest. Even as it may be the weight of a grain of a mustard seed, we bring it forth. (Al Qur’an 21:48)

Then as for him whose scales are heavy (with good works), he will live a pleasant life. But as for him whose scales are light, the Bereft and Hungry one will be his mother. Ah, what will convey to you what she is! Raging fire. (Al Qur’an 101:7-12) 

Lo! This life of the world is but a passing comfort, and lo! The Hereafter is the enduring home. Whoever does an ill deed, he will be repaid the like thereof, while whoever does right, whether male or female, and is a believer, (all) such will enter the Garden. (Al Qur’an 40:40-41)

With regard to the Hereafter, individual responsibility and experience is given more emphasis. It is the individual who experiences death, the transition from the living world to the Hereafter: “Each nafs will taste of death.” (3:186). The recompense awarded is also on the basis of the individual. Whether a man or woman, each is rewarded individually according to what he or she earns and there is a single scale of judgment.

So in the Qur’anic narrative recompense is acquired through actions performed by the individual before death:

And Allah has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and each nafs may be repaid what it has earned. And they will not be wronged. (Al Qur’an 45:23)

No one can diminish the merits earned by another; neither can anyone increase them. No one can share in the merits achieved by another, nor in the punishment which will be given:

And fear the day when no nafs will avail of another in the slightest, nor intercession be of use to it, nor will compensation be accepted from it, nor will they be helped. (Al Qur’an 2:49)

There is no possibility of gender discrimination on this subject as Qur’an has been very explicit in addressing men and women separately and equally:

And those who do good works, male or female, and is a believer, they shall enter the Garden.(Al Qur’an 4:125)

Whoso acted righteously, male or female and is a believer, We shall surely grant them a pure life: and We shall surely bestow upon them their reward according to the best of their works. (Al Qur’an 16:98) 

The Final Abode

The Qur’an acknowledges our earthly values and fears:

We verily created humankind and We know what his nafs whispers to him and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. (Al Qur’an 50:17)

It states emphatically that Allah knows what is hidden and what is secret.

For those who disobey Allah and whose deeds were lighter, they will be placed in Hell:

Woe unto the repudiators on that day! Depart unto that which you used to deny. Depart unto the shadow falling three fold. Which yet is no relief, nor shelter from the flame … This is the day wherein they speak not. (Al Qur’an 77:29-32, 36) 


The Qur’an depicts Paradise in more exquisite details than other unseen phenomena. In general, the depictions of Paradise are meant to entice the reader towards the afterlife. There are some forms given to the pleasures of Paradise which are specific to the audience at the time of the revelation, the desert dwellers of seventh century Arabia. Thus the appeals of the descriptions of ‘gardens with rivers flowing beneath’ is greater for someone living in an arid desert environment than, perhaps, for someone living in the tropics of Malaysia.

However, to confine the Qur’an to only that context would be incorrect. The Qur’an is from God, and not confined to or exhausted by one society or its history. Although the perspectives of the seventh century Arabs were given significant consideration in the Qur’an’s modes of expressions, its eternal message is not limited to any single form of articulation. The values indicated by the text transcend the particular modes of expression. One must determine how those particulars are significant and express them in terms relevant to our own lives. Each new generation of Qur’anic readers must re-evaluate Qur’anic values and determine what they mean to them:

And no nafs knows what supreme joy is hidden (awaiting) them, as a reward for their good works. (Al Qur’an 32:18)

Since Paradise and its pleasures are beyond human comprehension, the resemblance in these descriptions to pleasures experienced in this world must be taken analogously. First the Qur’an acknowledges the good (khayr) in some earthly things, like wealth, power, food, family status, offspring, and women:

Beautified for mankind is love of the joys from women and offspring, and stored up heaps of gold and silver, and horses branded (with their mark), and cattle and land. That is the comfort of the life of the world. Allah! With Him is a more excellent abode. Say shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who keep from evil, with their Lord are gardens.  (Al Qur’an 3:15-16)

Zawj in the Hereafter

Among other pleasures of the Paradise, Qur’an describes companions for the believers. These companions have been the subject of great discussions among the Muslims as well as the non-Muslims.

The term Hur-al-Ayn meant something specific to the Arabs. She was so called because of her whiteness or fairness or cleanness. She was a woman of clear complexion and skin. The descriptions given are specific and sensual – youthful, virgin females with large dark eyes, white skin, and a pliant character. The specific depiction of the companions of Paradise demonstrates the Qur’an’s familiarity with the dreams and desires of the Arabs. The Qur’an offers the Hur as an incentive to aspire after truth. It is notable that after the Makkan period, the Qur’an does not use the term Hur again. It describes the companions of the Paradise in generic terms:

For those who keep from evil, with their Lord are gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pure azwaj and contentment from Allah. (Al Qur’an 3:16)

These believers are male and females and azwaj is a gender neutral term. 

The Qur’anic use of ‘you and your azwaj’ with regard to the hereafter needs a closer look. First, the separation between good and evil takes precedence and the individual is recompensed only in accordance with his or her deeds:

This is the day of separation, which you used to deny. Assemble those who did wrong, together with their azwaj and what they used to worship. (Al Qur’an 37:22-23)

Second, the Qur’an reminds us that only those who have done right will attain reward in Paradise, even if on earth they were related.

Our Lord! And make them enter the Gardens of eternity which You have promised them, with such of their fathers and their azwaj and their descendants as do right. (Al Qur’an 40:9)

Thus the use of ‘you and your azwaj’ means you and whoever is paired with you because of like nature, deeds, faith etc.

The emphasis then is on partnership, friendship, comfort, and harmony in Paradise, as opposed to the isolation, loneliness, and despair of Hell. Perhaps one might be reunited with his or her earthly spouse in Paradise, provided that the basis for the reunion is shared belief and good deeds. 

Some commentators use the Qur’anic statements that there will be pure azwaj (i.e. plural) as an indication that a pious man will go to Paradise and will have multiple Hur for his pleasure. Indeed, it is a contradiction of terms that a pious man who practices self-constraint should have multiple erotic pleasures as his objective. The use of the plural azwaj corresponds to the use of the plural preceding it: for ‘believers’ (and such terms). The usage is meant to indicate that companionship awaits those who believe (men and women) in their attainment of Paradise – not that each man will get multiple wives. 

Paradise offers a standard at an even higher level: the perspective of Allah. From this perspective, the greatest importance of Paradise is attaining peace, ending all want, transcending all earthly limitations and finally coming into the company of Allah. These highest pleasures are the same for female inhabitants of Paradise as for males. With regard to the eternal, both woman and man are equal in their potential to experience this highest transcendence. When Qur’an offers fulfillment of desire in Paradise, what is most important will be closeness to Allah. 

So the Paradise is described to the Muslim subconscious: whatever pleasure you like, such will await you in Paradise – if you restrain yourself from overindulgence, misuse and abuse here on earth. For the Arab patriarch, the primary audience of the Makkan period, it might be young virgin woman with white skin and large dark eyes. However, the Qur’an’s descriptions of the companions of Paradise must be viewed on the basis of its entire teachings, social and moral. 

Equality Before God

The Qur’an depicts human individuals as having inherently equal value by looking at three stages in human existence. First, in the creation of humans, the Qur’an emphasizes the single origin of all humankind. “He created you from a single soul.” (4:2) Second, with regard to development here on earth, the Qur’an emphasizes that the potential for change, growth and development lies within the nafs of the individual (or the group) as well. “Allah does not change the condition of a folk until they (first) change what is in their anfus (plural of nafs).” (13:12) Finally, all human activity is given recompense on the basis of what the individual earns. (4:125) 

The Qur’an does make distinctions between people. The value of the distinctions between humankind on earth can be clearly summed up by the Qur’anic statement in sura Al-Hujarat:

We created you from male and female and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed the most noble of you from Allah’s perspective is whoever has the most taqwa. (Al Qur’an 49:14)

It is clear that the Qur’an does not assign a higher value to a human based upon gender. They are both considered partners (Zawj) of each other and a source of comfort for each other:

And the believers, men and women, are friends of one another. They preach virtue and discourage evil. They observe salat, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. It is these upon whom Allah will have mercy. (Al Qur’an 9:71)


Surely, men who submit themselves to God and women who submit themselves to Him, and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient women and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast in their faith and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard their chastity, and men who remember Allah much and women who remember Him — Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a great reward. (Al Qur’an 3:36)


[i] Honor Lost: Love and Death in Modern Day Jordan. 

[ii] The biological roots of heat-of-passion crimes and honor killings.

Categories: Asia, Highlight, ISLAM, Women, Women In islam, Women Rights

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121 replies

  1. Ghulam Sarwar,
    Paul never personalize the Christian religion. Muhammad did personalize his religion by referring to ‘THE FOLLOWERS OF MUHAMMAD’. Aisha confirmed by using the same description. Who should one believe, you or those who were directly involved in the founding of the religion?
    The Christian believes in the one true God who has three attributes. It is the quran that subscribes to a multiplicity of gods. When allah says ‘we allah’, it does not require the services of an expert grammarian to know that more than one entity is involved. There are uncountable use of the plural pronouns by allah in the quran while referring to the many entities in the pantheon. Yet, muhammadans continue to deny the obvious based on the contradictions in the quran.

    • Namelee: The Christian God has only three attributes? I would rather say that the attributes of the ONE who creates us all are unlimited… Anyway, it is nice of you to finally come to the conclusion that there is ONE true God. Let’s cut all the discussion short and you agree to be a Muslim! (whether with one attribute, three attributes, ninety-nine attributes or unlimited attributes is just a detail. The import thing you finally agreed to is that there is only ONE true God).

    • Namelee:

      WE, US, OUR are references in the Holy Qur’an to all of the forces of power (Angels) under the control of The Creator.

      They manage all creation.

      They are totally obedient to The All-Mighty G-D, and obeys HIS Commands without question.

  2. Fawzia Shah,
    It is not difficult to see that you have not read the qura for quite a while and so you have lost touch with what it says.
    If as you say, the woman was created first, after having created man thereafter, which other ‘mate’ was created again for the man? Note that it says ‘countless men and women’ but not ‘countless women and men’.
    In the same sura(verse 34), allah skipped the woman it ‘created first’ to give authority to the man who is supposed to be the inferior creature. May be allah discovered its mistake and tried to reverse the situation.
    Your fascination for David Attenbrough is very intriguing. On Sept. 18, 2013, Attenbrough was quoted to have called on nations to stop feeding hungry third world citizens in order to reduce world population. He called humanity a’plague’. He is described as ‘a highly decorated psychopath’. To him, having children is a ‘huge sensitivity’ that continues to block the goal of massive population reduction to protect wildlife. To overcome this, he is of the opinion that the right to have children should be revoked.I am quite aware that David Attenbrough is a British icon with a string of honorary degrees. That makes him appealing to muslims because his philosophy is in tandem with theirs. I have no regard for what David Attenbrough says for he is classified as a pyscopath.
    In spite of its numerous flaws, the quran still makes a statement of fact that the Bible was revealed by God and asks muhammadans to learn from the Christians and Jews.
    On that score alone, there is no basis to compare the Bible with the quran.

  3. Namelee has shown time and again that he is so prejudiced that if there is even a slight, however twisted escape, in favor of his understanding of Christianity and against Islam, he will take it.

    He is open to only those arguments that are fool proof and do not leave him any choice.

    I know of one such proof, which he is honoring by not directly responding to it.

    I have mentioned it above and it is worth repeating several times here.

    Either Adam and Eve as described in Genesis, who lived about 6000 years ago and as understood by St. Paul and Christians for the last 2000 years, were the first human couple or they were not.

    Either the understanding of biology that humans have existed for more than 100,000 years is true and correct or Christianity.

    There are no two ways about it. It is black and white. These issues are fundamental to biology and Christianity. Both cannot be true or reinterpreted with any degree of intellectual honesty.

    You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

    Let me share some information with you about Neanderthals from Wikipedia:

    The Neanderthals or Neandertals are an extinct species of human in the genus Homo, possibly a subspecies of Homo sapiens.[2] They are closely related to modern humans,[3][4] differing in DNA by only 0.3%, just twice the variability across contemporary humans.[5] Remains left by Neanderthals include bones and stone tools, which are found from western Europe to central Asia. The species is named after Neandertal (“Neander Valley”), the location in Germany where it was first discovered.
    Neanderthals are classified either as a subspecies of Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) or as a separate species of the same genus (Homo neanderthalensis).[6] The first humans with proto-Neanderthal traits are believed to have existed in Europe as early as 600,000–350,000 years ago.[7]
    The exact date of their extinction is disputed. Fossils found in the Vindija Cave in Croatia have been dated to between 33,000 and 32,000 years old, and Neanderthal artifacts from Gorham’s Cave in Gibraltar are believed to be less than 30,000 years old, but a recent study has redated fossils at two Spanish sites as 45,000 years old, 10,000 years older than previously thought, and may cast doubt on recent datings of other sites. Cro-Magnon (early-modern-human) skeletal remains showing some “Neanderthal traits” have been found in Lagar Velho (Portugal) and dated to 24,500 years ago, suggesting that there may have been an extensive admixture of the Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal populations in that region.[8]
    Several cultural assemblages have been linked to the Neanderthals in Europe. The earliest, the Mousterian stone tool culture, dates to about 300,000 years ago.[9] Late Mousterian artifacts were found in Gorham’s Cave on the south-facing coast of Gibraltar.[10][11] Other tool cultures associated with the Neanderthals include the Châtelperronian, the Aurignacian, and the Gravettian; their tool assemblages appear to have developed gradually within their populations, rather than being introduced by new population groups arriving in the region.[12]
    With an average cranial capacity of 1600cc [13] Neanderthal’s cranial capacity is known to be notably larger than all races of modern humans on average, indicating that their brain size was at least as large, if not larger. In 2008, a group of scientists produced a study using three-dimensional computer-assisted reconstructions of Neanderthal infants based on fossils found in Russia and Syria. The study indicated that Neanderthal and modern human brains were the same size at birth, but by adulthood, the Neanderthal brain was larger than the modern human brain.[14] They were much stronger than modern humans, having particularly strong arms and hands.[15] Males stood 164–168 cm (65–66 in) and females about 152–156 cm (60–61 in) tall.[16]
    Genetic evidence published in 2010 suggests that Neanderthals contributed to the DNA of anatomically modern humans, probably through interbreeding between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago with the population of anatomically modern humans who had recently migrated from Africa. According to the study, by the time that population began dispersing across Eurasia, Neanderthals genes constituted as much as 1–4% of its genome (roughly equivalent to having one Neanderthal great-great-great-grandparent).[17][18][19] Ötzi the iceman, Europe’s oldest preserved mummy, was found to possess an even higher percentage of Neanderthal ancestry.[20]

    Unlike Christianity, Adam and Eve being the first human couple is not one of the fundamentals beliefs of Islam, last time I checked.

  4. Zia Shah,
    All your resort to evolution for cover goes to no issue. The quran says that the world was created, not evolved, in a matter of days.

  5. Lutf,
    Starting from the last paragraph of your post, it will be foolhardy to pray to a god for guidance when it also prays to another god for its guidance. The blind cannot lead the blind. You praying to your god to guide me tantamounts to seeking that with my two eyes I will be guided by the blind. That is impossible.
    For want of what to say you claimed that I got upset, when all I did was to say that your jabbering would be ignored while the issues you tried ineffectively to raise would be responded to. How does that amount to being upset?
    Muhammad was sent by an Arab god to its people, the Arabs. He had no business with the rest of humanity.These verses of the quran confirm that.
    If allah were to be all knowing,it would have been obvious to it that not everybody speaks Arabic. Whatever it sent down was and is still for the Arabs. Others who without direction may choose its guidance. That is their palaver.
    You have preoccupied yourself with the issue of marriage. But there is nowhere in the quran where marriage is made compulsory for anyone. Sura 24:30 says “–AND LET THOSE WHO FIND NOT THE MEANS TO MARRY BE ABSTINENT TILL GOD ENRICHES THEM OF HIS BOUNTY–“.
    If that does not happen, then they can remain unmarried for life. So, if I am blinded, the same applies to the quran.
    Paul and Christ had so much to do with each other. That was why he related to the other Apostles in such a way the the Apostle Peter called him “OUR BELOVED BROTHER PAUL”.
    Marrying my daughter to the one who raped her is a million times better than having her stoned to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse while her assailant goes free to rape again. I quoted the example of the Nigerian woman, Amina Muhammad who was saved by international condemnation.
    The word ‘rape’ does not exist in the quran. But in the hadiths Muhammad caused a woman who had voluntarily confessed committing adultery to him to be stoned to death. Nothing was done to the man. That gave rise to ‘rajam’ justice.
    Inheritance has been in the Bible since the time of Moses when GOD commanded that daughters be given their entitlement. That predates Muhammad by at least 2,000 years.
    Any muhammadan woman initiating divorce knows that she is facing ostracism. They choose to remain and face whatever comes their way.
    There is no ‘book of Paul(New Testament)’. Paul made his inspired contributions to the New Testament like other Apostles did.
    You are the liar who referred to non existent verses in the Holy Bible. You fabricated things to sustain your lies and I pointed them out to you.
    There is no truth whatsoever in the quran that one can turn let alone return to. It is simply a product of Muhammad ….
    I will like to continue interacting with you. That way, more and more of your lies will be exposed.

  6. Rafiq,
    There is nothing for me or any one else in becoming what you call ‘muslim’. Following that path is the surest way to hell and I have no intention of going there.

    • Namelee: way to hell? Why? Are we of The Muslim Times telling you to lie? Steal? Cheat? Kill? No, we are telling you that our Motto is Love for All and Hatred for None and this is what we invite you to share.

  7. I would very much like all readers to note that Namelee wants to talk about every thing else under the sun, but he does not touch, bearing of theory of evolution on Original Sin.

    I hope, it will not hurt anyone’s feelings, if I state that the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first human couple, is a check mate to Christianity. But, it will live on for another two centuries, according to the prophecies.

    We never have to feel sorry or annoyed if our set of beliefs is demystified, for we can always trade our set with a newer and better version.

    Our eDigest today is on this topic, with a collection of articles and news items on the issue of evolution.

  8. Nobody is asking any one to convert. It is upto every one to do or not. The teachings of Abraham, Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are all from the One God. call Him God or Allah or names of other languages.
    The faith of jesus and Muhammad and Moses was the same, i.e. to serve the One God and live a pious life.
    The Church went away from right teachings of Moses a.s. and started preaching against the teachings of Moses a.s., even though Jesus a.s. lived a pious life, all according to the law of Moses a.s.
    The so-called Christians have no case at all. They are adrift from the right teaching. They are all doing things that Jesus never did in his life.
    I am sure, if Jesus came back in this world, he would not be able to recognize his people.

    The problem with Christians is that they do not have any book in original, and they have amended the sacred words to suit their own wishes.
    The Muslims are also adrift. That is in the meaning, interpretation of the sacred text. But the Muslims have a true original book i.e. Quran in a living language that is Arabic. They can sort out the mistakes. Christians cannot do that.
    Nobody knows in which language the teaching was revealed to Jesus. It is not mentioned in bibleNT. Nobody knows to whom it was revealed. Moses a.s. had come for the Jews. Jesus, a follower of Moses a.s. also came only for the Jews. He said that he was not sent but for the lost sheep of Israel. It means his mission was limited.
    The church through itS efforts had spread the wrong teachings about jesus Christ all over the world. They have been rewarded for their (bad) work by the conversion of many people into Christianity.
    Please know that it was all known to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s. He had warned all about it that it will happen in later times. He had warned about the Dajjal (anti-Christ) and his donkey which is very much present in the world today.
    The mission of Muhammad s.a.w.s. is for all mankind for all times. That is written in Quran.
    The real bibleNt for the Christians is just the four gospels. The rest is all addendum. They do not follow the law of Moses a.s. so they should not use the BibleOT. Otherwise, they should honor and follow the law of Moses a.s.

  9. Namelee, it seems that if your daughter is raped, according to Bible you have to marry her with the rapist. In one of your above comments you have expressed your desire to do so. Now if that is the teaching of Bible, then it means that you will marry your daughter to her rapist. What if after marriage with your daughter he rapes your other daughter and then their mother and so on. Would you continue to give him your dear women just because he has raped them. (Of course there is no limit on the number of wives in the Bible).
    Have you no shame?
    And where did you get this idea that Islam stones a victim of rape. If you think that some idiots in some far off country does this and you can blame it on Islam (there being no mention of either rape or stoning in the Quran), then I am sure you think raping of young boys by clergymen is a Christian value?
    Have some decency and some sense?

  10. Hi, I see this article more like and exercise of repeating same point and using most of Ayats out of context. We should accept what is it in The Quran and should not try to escape from that and we should also accept that The King or Khalifa of the time can interpret according to the circumstances or can introduce laws may be little different (according to the circumstances) but not against the Ma’roof verdicts or principle of Qur’an and Sunnah. Like one can be punished with The Cuttings of the Hands, if he is a thief or actually a dacoit (as word Kasb is used which means doing it on regular basis or as a profession), or one can be punished other wise as deemed appropriate to the jury.
    Two Women’s Witness, so that they could remind (or help together)(in the matters of Business Debts or Accounts – as you can choose your witnesses in the matters of pacts or agreements) is a Ma’roof way but if the witness too strong, one may not be rejected just because its single witness.
    Equality as I remember Fourth Khalifa once said that Equality is there but in rights not in responsibilities. Men have to bear different responsibilities may be sometimes less than those of women. And Responsibility including, to protect them and to win bread for them. This protection may come from a Husband, a Father or brother, or another woman sometimes, or from society. Whatever is the means of it but true protection comes from The Creator and He wants immediate men to take this responsibility and some others.
    It does not mean that they are boss all the time but sometimes they may be – but mostly they are friends and even servants to women.
    I believe women have no objection to what responsibilities they have been assigned with. If both parties do their duties, it will be less complaints.

  11. Nadi is correct in saying that the equality between men and women is in their rights and not in their responsibilities. Because of difference in physical capabilities men and women have different roles in some areas of life. These however should not become the basis of draconian laws and social restrictions placed upon women such as prohibition of driving or prohibition of participating in public life. The dire situation of women in the Islamic world is the result of wrong interpretation of these roles. They are bringing a bad name to Islam and causing serious suffering for the women.
    The purpose of the article is to highlight the equal rights of the women and refuting the artificial restrictions placed on them.

    • Dear Lutf,
      Thanks for you seconding my thought. One point I need to divert your attention to:
      You wrote: “The dire situation of women in the Islamic world is the result of wrong interpretation of these roles”
      YOu should not use a broad brush to paint all with the same color. Which world has ideal situation for women? Probably No world, Islamic or Christian or Western.
      And why women need a “World” to help them? Why don’t just they trust in God and do what is right with in their envoirnment”
      Men are supposed to do the same.

  12. Struggling for your rights and trying to improve the human condition in this world is necessary for progress. If all those groups who were oppressed at some point in time just quietly suffered and did not do anything about it we would still be living in medieval times where slavery was permitted and where female child was buried alive. So the advice to women to just quietly suffer and not complain is not right. Men and women both should struggle and improve the human condition. The condition of women in the Islamic world is just not tenable. It has to change before Muslims can claim to be the enlightened leaders of the world. God does not change the condition of a people if they do not struggle for it.

  13. Sure every one should try to improve. My point is that first they should try utilize what have in “pocket” then ask others to help.
    First one should focus on one’s own duties or others rights on him/her, only then he or she will sound fair to claim rights.
    Otherwise if everyone is blowing trumpet of rights then who will perform duties? No one I guess.

    If you don’t go to school, if you don’t listen to your parents, if you don’t respect elders, if you don’t listen to the wise — and just asking for your rights, does not go together. If you don’t pray to your God and then keep complaining that He does not listen to you. Surely God Helps those who helps themselves. Thanks

  14. So if “Hoor” is for both women and men, then why are there bunch of scholars out there that insist of it being for men’s pleasure only? Why do many people insist that in the Quran it states that men get two wives, and that in the Quran it says women get only their husbands and will not be allowed to wish anyone but him???…Would someone please make up their minds about the hoors????
    How is men getting many women and women getting one husband equal??…How is saying that men have sexual desires but women don’t is equal??? How is justifying answers like “men’s needs are different than women” is equal? We give birth…raise the kids!!!…put up with a lot of crap (excuse my language) from men!!!..yet they are the ones that are rewarded in jannah???? seriously how is that equal???? and don’t give me the crap about taking jealousy out…This is not jealousy!!!…THIS IS ABOUT EQUALITY!!!! we are all muslims and inshallah we will all be in heaven!…but what do women have to look forward to??…more inequality???…its not enough having to put up with men craving other women here and dealing with it because this will get me to heaven…I have to put up with it in heaven too????..Please enlighten me how this is fair!

    Arab people feel so proud to uphold their tradition from one generation to the next generation.Those who does not uphold their tradition will be punished.

    Based on Al Quran, the Arabs were a nation that often occurred conflicts, hostility, kidnapping and civil-wars caused by different ethnicities and religious beliefs. They killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge QS 6;140. A man could marry women more than four QS.4:3, a male could have many slave, and can be traded etc. QS.24:33. A female receive inheritance half than a male. QS .4:11. A Husband can beat his wife, if she refuse to have sexual with him any time he want. QS 4;34. A female is not allowed to be a leader or imam in Mosque QS.4;34. The most duty of female is to raise their children, cooked, and stay home daylong. Girls do not need to get education as boys. Man want to dominate (control) women.

    But on other verses Allah said that women and men are equal at front of law.
    Allah has explained clearly in Al Quran as following;

    Surely, Muslim men and Muslim women, believing men and believing women, devout men and devout women, truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, humble men and humble women, and the men who give sadaqah (charity) and the women who give sadaqah, and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their private parts (against evil acts) and the women who guard (theirs), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember (Him) – for them, Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward. QS. 33:35.

    But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results). So that Allâh will punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the men and women who are Al¬Mushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh, and His Messenger Muhammad SAW . And Allâh will pardon (accept the repentance of) the true believers of the Islâmic Monotheism, men and women. And Allâh is Ever Oft¬Forgiving, Most Merciful. (73). QS 33; 73.

    As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands: a retribution for their deed and exemplary punishment from Allah and Allah is Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom. QS 5;38.

    According to Allah’s rules above, man and woman are equal before law. There is no discrimination of Islamic teaching. Discrimination of act is unlawful.

    Islam gives equal rights to women. Good deeds by either women or men will be rewarded equally depending on the deeds. It’s not that men will get more rewards than women unlike in the world, where women are still struggling to get equal wages.

    It is sad that most Islamic governments are not following these golden rules of equality. They don’t let women drive or acquire education or work outside of the house. In some countries a woman cannot even go out alone.


    Was Salam
    With my love

  16. The comment of Ali Hidayah is confusing. In the first part he mentions his understanding of some verses where men and women are not equal. Then he presents some other verses based upon which men and women are equal.
    The first principle of explaining the verses of the Holy Quran is that there can be no conflict. Quran teaches equality of genders. Some scholars have misunderstood the meaning of some of the verses and translated them wrong with their social background. Quran does not permit a man to hit a woman. Quran stands for domestic harmony and not for violence.
    Quran declares that all human beings are equal regardless of their race, gender or color. The distinction is based only upon their righteousness. And only God knows who is righteous. Slavery is not permitted based upon this teaching.

  17. @ CS—-I want to know how Muslim Ahmadiah to interpret / explain these verses;—-> A female receive inheritance half than a male. QS .4:11. A Husband can beat his wife, if she refuse to have sexual with him any time he want. QS 4;34.A female is not allowed to become a leader or imam in Mosque. QS.4;34. ( we see in Saudi Arabia, where Islam was born, women are forbid to become a leader, even to vote. <—

    Non Muslims see that Islamic teaching is discriminated against female….male and female are not equal based on that verses.

    Please can you explain it ! I will appreciate it.

    Was Salam

  18. Ali Hidayah. Thankyou for the question. Let me take your quote from verse 4:34 first. “A husband can beat his wife if she refuses sexual relations with him any time he wants.” Let me give you the full translation of the verse. It is, “Men are responsible for the maintenance of the women (their wives) because God has given more to some than others and because they spend out of their wealth (on their wives). So virtuous women (wives) are obedient (to God) and maintain the secrets (privacy) that God has commanded. If you (husband) perceive rebellion from them (wives) admonish (discuss) them, and leave them alone in their beds, and punish (restrictions, not physical beating) them. Then if they reconcile do not keep a grudge against them. Surely Allah is great and high.” (4:34)
    I have placed the explanations within parenthesis. This verse describes a normal relationship between a husband and a wife. Man is the head of the house hold because he provides for the family, not because he is a man. (This is the case in overwhelming majority of the families around the world even today. Men provide for their families) If a man does not provide for the family and the woman works and provides for the family, then she is the head of the house hold. When a breech happens in this relationship, then instructions are given how to repair it. First step is to discuss the matter with the wife. Second is to discontinue sexual relations with her to convey your displeasure. Third is more drastic steps which can amount to punishment such as restricting her movement outside of the home or accompanying her. (The word “nushuz” used in the verse means sexual indiscretions on the part of the wife) This step in reconciliation does not mean beating or physical punishment. Islam does not allow a man to hit even an animal much less his own wife.
    There is no mention of “on demand sex” and ability to become a “leader in the mosque” in this verse. I hope that before making accusations you will read the verse.
    Now for your other misunderstanding that women inherit only half compared to men.
    The Islamic system of inheritance is comprehensive and we need to look at it as a complete system. By just looking at one component we cannot understand it. It is true that the sisters inherit half of their brothers. But there are circumstances where a woman inherits equal to a man. For example, a father and mother inherit equally from their deceased son. A wife can inherit more than her son from her deceased husband. So a blanket statement that woman have been given less in inheritance is also based upon lack of knowledge.
    There is a lot more detail in these issues. It is easy to have a one liner inflammatory statement but a cool scholarly look will show the wisdom of these teachings and their far reaching effect in the society.

  19. @ CS—I would like to ask you a straight question, and give me also a straight answer please.

    Suppose, you and you wife are educated couple and live in the West country. You have 2 children, one boy and one girls. Your children get a good education and have a good job.
    My question is, would you write a wills that your daughter will get 1/2 inheritance than your son?

    Was Salam

  20. @Ali Hidayah
    I looked at your website. It seems that you are trying to reinterpret Islam and make it more in line with the western culture.
    First of all I would insist that you remove from your website the wrong translation and interpretation of the verses of the Holy Quran, particularly verse 4:34. There is no place in the Holy Quran where woman has to provide sex on demand to her husband. This is just false and wrong. Also this verse is applicable only to a husband and wife. Therefore your translation and interpretation is all wrong. Please remove it. You are creating problems and not helping.
    As for the hijab instruction in the Holy Quran for the women, it is important to follow it. The segregation of sexes is mandated in the Holy Quran. But there is flexibility. According to circumstances and need it can be relaxed. Of course Islam does not prescribe “burqa”. Islam also does not require women to be accompanied by their brother, father or husband at all times. Islam does not stop women from driving. Islam mandates education for women just as for men. It does not stop women from working.
    So I do not see where is the problem with the rights of women in Islam. The problem is in the culture of the Muslim countries. The problem is with the religious leaders of the Muslims. Otherwise the religion of Islam considers women equal to men as a human being.
    Now answer to your last question. I wrote my will many years ago. It is exactly in line with the instructions of the Holy Quran. My father and mother both have equal share in my inheritance. My son gets double that of his sisters. And yes I live in the West.

  21. @ CS—thank you—you wrote; My son gets double that of his sisters.==
    So, you follow that verse QS 4;11, where your son gets double that of your daughter. Right?

    It is all right, it seems to that you still follow the ancient interpretation of law of Allah. So, in this case you are agree that male and female are not equal…right?

    Your interpretation of that verse are the same as interpretation of ultraconservative scholars from Saudi Arabia n Iran. Even you live in the West, unfortunately.

    Regarding verse QS 4;34; when you read that verse, there is a word of “Punishment”

    Scholars can have different interpretation of this word. For me, the meaning of “punishment: is “demand”.–an insistent and peremptory request, –

    So, the right of wife and husband in their bed are not equal..right?

    Dear CS—You should understand that Allah sent His laws according to the condition of the culture that exist.

    The Arab culture at time of prophet was very primitive, lack of knowledge, imagine there was no paper to write Allah’s word, they wrote Allah’s words on animal skin and stones. Prophet’s tent was made from animal skins too. as described QS 16;82.

    At that time, most female stay in tent daylong, they were forbidden to go out side without accompanied by a man. Most men treat women as slave, second class.(this was ancient culture, every where). That is why Allah and Prophet suggested female will get 1/2 of male. That is why a wife did not have the same right of husband–

    Nowadays, women and men has the same right to get good education and job–wife and husband should has the same duty to raise their kids—husband and wife should the same right at bed. If a wife does not feel to have a sex, husband can not punish her. (what ever punishment is). Husband has to respect his wife’s right. Don’t you agree that?

    I understand that it is very hard to reform our tradition, or culture–but it is not impossible. Good education only can change it.

    Arab people feel so proud to uphold their tradition from one generation to the next generation.Those who does not uphold their tradition will be punished.

    My conclusion.
    As you said that Islamic teaching have been contaminated by ancient Arab tradition…this Arab tradition has spread to other countries under the name of Islamic laws…including Pakistan,India and Asia countries.

    We, educated Muslim who live in the West is the one who can change or reform the ancient Arab tradition, to become a Modern Islamic law. Otherwise, we Muslims can not make great progress and produce super works of science, culture, art and aesthetics, to represent to the world.

    Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people
    until they change it themselves (with their own soul ) . QS .13:11.

    Dear CS,
    We need a reformation urgently, if not now,when ?
    This is a good moment to start to reform.

    Was Salam

  22. Even as the religion of Islam came into the ancient Arabia, nevertheless God declared it to be the final guidance for the mankind. The truths that were revealed in the Quran were so much ahead of their time that it is in fact a sign of the truth of the Quran. So the persons who are trying to reform in the present age should know that you cannot discard the word of God and make up your own religion. Everything in the religion of Islam has to be based in the Holy Quran.
    The equality of man and woman as a human being is established in the Holy Quran. The fact that the woman gets half the inheritance compared to a man does not make her unequal. People are equal as human beings regardless of their gender. But they have different responsibilities in life and need different resources to do their work. As a general principal even in the 21st century and even in the West in a Christian society women raise children. More men work and make more money. More men are in executive positions in the businesses. More men are politicians and more men are Presidents and Prime ministers. All of this does not make women less of a human being than a man. This is exactly the case in Islam. Recognizing the natural state of a man and a woman, Allah has assigned different roles to men and women. It does not make them superior or inferior to anyone. They just have a different role in life. Allah provides instructions to men and women to guide them best in their roles in life. Once you understand this concept of equality, you will realize the wisdom of Islamic instructions.
    Success lies in performing your own duties. A nurse cannot be commended for doing a doctor’s job. She may in fact be reprimanded for doing something which was outside of her duty. And a Janitor in the same hospital is required to do his work and will be graded accordingly. So men and women should concentrate on their roles in life. That is where success lies.
    One last word. It seems that sex on demand is a special concern. Let me say it clearly. No such thing exists in the Quran. I hope you will understand.

  23. It seems to me that your interpretation of Islam is like extremist Muslim, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, Al Qaida. They believe that the laws of Allah can not be reformed.

    Dear CS—wrote;

    1.Everything in the religion of Islam has to be based in the Holy Quran.

    2.Even as the religion of Islam came into the ancient Arabia, nevertheless God declared it to be the final guidance for the mankind.

    3.So the persons who are trying to reform in the present age should know that you cannot discard the word of God and make up your own religion.

    So my conclusion of your faith, understanding the law of Islam (Allah) is that you do not agree to reform the law of Allah even the law that related to worldly matter.

    You strongly will implement the ancient Islamic laws such as;

    1. you still advocate the harsh punishment such as; beheading, flogging, hanging, cut off the hand, crucifixion, and execution will be carried out at front of public square. (QS 5; 33).QS 5; (38),QS 24;(2). still advocate the women slavery again, in 21st Century QS. 23:6. QS. 70:29, Sura 33:50. QS. 4:24 QS24; (33), QS 24: (58). still implement the Jizyah to Christians again in 21st Century QS 9;29.

    4. you still advocate men has the right to marry more than 1, or polygamy QS. 4;3

    5. you still advocate the act of discrimination between male and female related to inheritance. QS 4;11.

    6. you still advocates husband has the right to punish his wife if she reject sexual with her husband QS 4;3.

    7. You still advocate women to wear burqa or to cover the whole her body with cloth QS 33;59.

    8. You still advocate to forbid a Christians for your friends and protectors (leader) in Islamic country as Saudi Arabia.and ISIS, Taliban, QS 5:51.

    9. etc.

    It seems to me that your faith, interpretation of Islam are not much differences with extremist Muslim, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, Al Qaida etc.or on other word you follow them?

    Please tell us here, what are different faith,or interpretation of Islam between you and extremist Muslim.

    Hopefully sharing interpretation of Islam with you will result good understanding of Islam for us all.

    Please respond my concern above.
    Was salam

  24. Dear Ali Hidayah. It seems that you do not understand the meaning of words. You have made a lot of assumptions about my interpretation of the Quran. You do not understand the meaning of the verses of the Quran either. So let me say the following.
    Once again you have said that in verse 4:34 a husband can punish his wife if she refuses sexual relations with him. This is the third time I am asking you to read the translation of this verse. There is no mention of sexual relations in this verse. You keep saying something about the Holy Quran which is not there. Unless you can show me the mention of sexual relations in this verse I am not prepared to have any more discussion with you. All your translation of the Quranic verses is simply wrong. Quran does not say what you are alleging. So please get your facts correct before you accuse the religion of Islam of all the imagined problems. May God grant you wisdom.

  25. The ancient Arab tradition a husband can beat his wife if his wife reject to have sexuality with him.

    Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allâh has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allâh and to their husbands), and guard in the husband’s absence what Allâh orders them to guard As to those women on whose part you see ill¬conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them, but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allâh is Ever Most High, Most Great (34) (QS.4:34).

    ٱلرِّجَالُ قَوَّٲمُونَ عَلَى ٱلنِّسَآءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بَعۡضَهُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٍ۬ وَبِمَآ أَنفَقُواْ مِنۡ أَمۡوَٲلِهِمۡ‌ۚ فَٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتُ قَـٰنِتَـٰتٌ حَـٰفِظَـٰتٌ۬ لِّلۡغَيۡبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ ٱللَّهُ‌ۚ وَٱلَّـٰتِى تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَٱهۡجُرُوهُنَّ فِى ٱلۡمَضَاجِعِ وَٱضۡرِبُوهُنَّ‌ۖ فَإِنۡ أَطَعۡنَڪُمۡ فَلَا تَبۡغُواْ عَلَيۡہِنَّ سَبِيلاً‌ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيًّ۬ا ڪَبِيرً۬ا

    ==you see ill¬conduct in bed ===
    Usually in common problem between a wife and husband in bed, “ill conduct ” means a wife rejects to have sexual with her husband.

    From this verse above;
    1. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women. It dose not mean that female can not be leader if she has the same knowledge with male. Nowadays, Modern society, female has the right to get education as male, and then she can works and earn some money to support her and family. So, there is no reason that female can be leader at home and society.

    2. Husband can beat his wife. It means that wife dose not has the right to reject her husband, whatever he wants.
    Nowadays, in modern society, wife and husband has the same right in their home or outside.

    It seems to me that you need to correct your interpretation of Islam or Al Quran. if you want to show the beautiful Islamic teaching to the world. Otherwise Muslim still live in the dark ages, or ancient culture 1400 year ago, when Prophet Muhammad( pbuh) lived.

    You should know that how people lived at the time of Prophet.

    1. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) lived in “tent” was made from animal skin.QS 16;81-82
    2. There was not paper to write Allah’s verses, Al quran was written on Animal skin and stone. QS 16;81-82.
    3. Men are allowed to have many slaves, and women can be traded.

    The ancient Arab tradition treat women as slave as describe in Al Quran.

    And do not compel your maids (slaves) to prostitution – if they wish to observe chastity – in order that you may seek the temporary benefit of the worldly life. If one compels them, then after their being compelled, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful. QS 24: 33. QS 23-4-6

    The ancient Arab tradition feel shame if his wife give a girl baby as describe in Al Quran.
    When one of them is given the good news of a female child, his face becomes gloomy and he is choked with grief.QS 16:58.

    The ancient Arab tradition treat female inequality with male, female will receive half inheritance than male as describe in Al Quran.

    Allah directs you concerning your children: for a male there is a share equal to that of two females. QS 4:11.

    Dear CS—Muslims can not follow the ancient Islamic laws or primitive tradition. Muslims need a reformation now. If we, Muslim want to show the modern Islam, Modern Muslim who live in 21st Century.

    We Muslim need more discussion about Islamic law.

    Was Salam–All love

  26. @Ali Hidaya
    Ancient Arab tradition has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is mentioned in the Holy Quran.
    Once again you have translated the verse 4:34 incorrectly. It does not say “ill conduct in bed”. The word used is “Nushuz”. Meaning of “nushuz” in Arabic is rebellion. The commentators of the Holy Quran all agree that this rebellion means wife having an affair outside of the marriage. It can also mean extreme hate and repulsion from the husband. When this happens, the marriage is at risk. First instruction to save the marriage is for the husband to discuss the matter with the wife. The second step is to separate in bed and suspend the marital relations to convey the extreme concern and displeasure to the wife. The third is punishment. Beating is not recommended. The meaning of the word “Fadhre bu Hunnah” is punishment which can and should be non-physical. It should also be noted that it is not essential to punish the wife, If there is a serious rift in marriage and it cannot continue, the two can separate and have divorce just by discussing the matter between them. Once again read the translation that you have presented. There is no mention of “ill conduct in bed”. You are misrepresenting Quran if you insist on that.
    Now for the second point. Men are guardian of women. All commentators of the Holy Quran agree that this verse is addressed to husband and wife, not to the general public. In a marriage the man is responsible for earning and providing for the family. Since he is the one who earns and provides for the family and spends his money for the upkeep of the family, he has been declared the head of the household. If a woman earns for the family and the husband is dependent then she is the head of the household. This verse has nothing to do with the leadership of the women.
    Islam allows women to work and earn money. Please note that the first and the most beloved wife of the Holy Prophet was a business woman. Islam also does not stop women from acquiring leadership positions. Please note that Ayesha, wife of the Prophet led an army in the battle of “Jamal”.
    You seem to be stuck in the ancient Arab tradition. Islam did not come to endorse that tradition. In fact it is called “jahiliyyah” (Ignorance) in the Islamic terminology. Islam came to change that ignorance and show the right path.
    Unfortunately Muslims today do not read and ponder over the Quranic wisdom. They are quick to discard or change it in an effort to bring it in line to their understanding. This is ignorance. Quran is full of wisdom and knowledge. Let us try and find that wisdom and not discard it due to our own lack of knowledge.

  27. Dear my brother CS. —Please be calm, let’s discuss with best manner.

    1. I feel happy that one side you interpret God’s verse in progress way–second side you still implement ancient Islamic laws as I already described above.

    As you said==>Ancient Arab tradition has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is mentioned in the Holy Quran.==

    It seems to me that you ignore the book of Hadith–whereas most Saudi Arabia scholars believe in the book of Hadith is the source of Islamic teaching beside Al Quran. You do not agree that?

    The book of Hadith contains thousands of the ancient Arab tradition.Arab people are so proud to uphold their tradition.

    Such as;
    They forbid women go out side, travel without accompanied by a man.
    They do not allow women to become a leader, vote etc
    They do not allow women seat side by side with men.
    Women are segregated with men in Mall, bus and school
    Islamic Arab tradition require male to have beard as follower of prophet
    Islamic Arab tradition mandate female to remove the external genitalia of (a girl or young woman) .

    (QS.4:34).This verses explain to us that this verse or this law in favor for male as protector or leader of female.Husband has the right to punish or beat his wife. but a wife does not have the right to punish and beat her husband. It is clear that man and women is not equal at time of Prophet. Right?

    For me, this verse QS 4;34 discriminate women.

    Dear CS, let us leave it , we still have different interpretation, and let us move forward.

    I need your thought or your interpretation regarding this verse;

    The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.― (QS 5; 33).

    Do you agree to apply this Law (QS 5;33) in Modern era.? or we change it.

    Extremist Muslim scholars, and terrorist still implement this laws.(QS 5:33)
    Saudi Arabia also still implement this law(QS 5:33).

    Was Salam.

  28. Our religion is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Hadith is valid only when it supports the Quran. Otherwise it is unacceptable. So those who are stuck on ahadith can speak for themselves. But the religion of Islam lies in the Quran and not hadith.
    You keep repeating false accusations such as genital mutilation as Islamic practice. If you had done even a preliminary research you will find out that Islam has nothing to do with female genital mutilation. This was a practice invented in Christian Africa. Even today more Christians in Africa practice it than Muslims. So before you feel free to level false accusations against Islam, have some fear of God. Have some concept of honesty.
    I think you need lot of education about Islam.
    Polls of Muslims around the world show that most have a very moderate and gentle view of their religion. Interpretations like your’s are an exception.
    Peace be upon you.

  29. Dear CS—Please give us your thought about this verse;

    I need your thought or your interpretation regarding this verse;

    The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.― (QS 5; 33).

    Do you support Saudi Arabia, ISIS and Taliban to apply this ancient Islamic Law (QS 5;33) in Modern era.?

    Please do not skip it.
    Was Salam.

  30. Dear CS. Pls let’s discuss the best manner, do not try to attack my me. We seek a common ground of Islamic interpretation.I will appreciate it.

    You said;Hadith is valid only when it supports the Quran. Otherwise it is unacceptable. ===I agree 100 percent, we have a common ground here.

    Do you agree with me that the book of Hadith has been contaminated with false Hadith and ancient Arab tradition?

    Arab tradition; Not Islamic law.
    Such as; Women are forbidden to go out side without accompanied by her brother?

    False Hadith.
    Do you agree that these hadith below are against Al Quran?

    Prophet said, “If you have people who do act like the people of Lut (liwath) then kill the perpetrators.” (Narrated by Abu Daud, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

    Extremist Muslim apply this Hadith to justify and punish to death Homosexual (gay-Lesbian)

    False HADITH
    Anyone of you who saw heresy, apostasy, let is changing with your HANDS, if not able, let the verbal, if not able to let the heart. However, such is weak as weak faith.(Muslim)
    Extremist Muslim in Indonesia and Pakistan use this Hadith to justify to punish Muslim Ahmadiyah.

    I want to find a common ground of interpretation of Islam that come fro 2 sources. Al Quran and Hadith ( the sunnah ).

    Your respond will be appreciate it
    Was Salam

  31. Dear CS, wrote;Polls of Muslims around the world show that most have a very moderate and gentle view of their religion. Interpretations like your’s are an exception.===

    You might think that my interpretation is odd, I will be fine.

    Muslim Ahmadiyah is accused also by majority Muslim around the world is odd, exception, heresy etc from the beginning, right?

    If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of God. They follow only conjecture; they only guess. QS. 6:116.

    This Golden Rules is found in Christianity, Judaism, and other religions.

    Do not follow the majority when they do wrong or when they give testimony that prevents justice. Do not show partiality to a poor man at this trial.(exodus.23;2)

    Please do not attack me, let’s discuss best manner, Hopefully, with Allah’s wills, we all will get the truth of Islamic teaching.Amen

    Was Salam

  32. please give your life to the one who declares: “I am the way, the truth & the life. no man comes to the father except through me”
    someone once said when the followers asked him of their fate “i do not know my fate”


  33. @ Aihanu—yes, I agree with. if you really follow Jesus’s teaching rightly, you will enter paradise/

    Also those who follow the teaching of Prophet Moses rightly will enter Paradise.

    Also those who follow the teaching of Prophet Muhammad rightly will enter Paradise.

    What do you think?

  34. Aselamualeykum werahmetullahy weberekatu sisters and brothers I emailed u as I am lonely and separate from my families as a result of my being muslim to tell a little about me I was a univesity student two years ago at jimma institute of thechnology In Ethiopia my first name is also Ethiopia Getasew, now my islamic name is hayat. I have been accepted islam that time by reading an Ethiopia islamic author, Ahmedin jebel’s comparative book. My families didn’t want me to follow the education in that university and they made me start it privately in Alkan university college with them at dessie branch.In doing so, they asked me whether I returned to chirstianity or not. I refused to do so, They stop a school fee as a first punishment… I was restricted to worship in home. Finally I became out of home. They are searching me all over the country to kill me. I am with my muslim friend’s mother home this time. wellahi As I leave my home The only thing I had is the cloth that I wear. I want to follow my education but my educational document is with my families. It is difficult for me to live with my friend’s mother. So I want a family to teach me by considering me as a child. For me it’s better to leave my home country. If my families get me they will take measure I am frustrated I hide myself this time…. that is a little. It’s a true story of me. Jezakumullah khair.

    • as wr wb, i feel very sorry but u should be strong! I’m in arba minch university so i want to do what possible to do in the help of allah. u contact me with- or 0919953630/0960959485.

  35. Salam !
    Kindly note the reference given 40:65 in the article is wrong, the writer has used it to describe evolution , however , the reference is wrong.
    The original verse 40:65 is “He is the Ever-Living; there is no deity except Him, so call upon Him, [being] sincere to Him in religion. [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds.”

    But what is written in article is “Allah it is Who …. fashioned you , and perfected your shapes. (40:65)…

    – Kindly correct this !

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