“Doing your job with perfection”… What we learn from this great Hadith!?

Source: saudigazette.com.sa

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Verily, God loves if any of you does a job, he does it with perfection”.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), in this Hadith, addressed this valuable wisdom to all mankind, male or female, old or young. This would include, of course, governor or  ordinary citizen,  more importantly those who work in public service and perform projects that benefit the public and improve the nation’s economy. The Prophet (peace be upon him) through this Hadith directed the speech to all professionals and urged them to strive to achieve excellence, proficiency, and perfection.

When we find ourselves talking for so many years about transforming our economy from being petroleum-based to more balanced mixed economy, we wonder where we are from this great Hadith!

When we see major infrastructure projects lacking high quality specifications, standards, professional supervision and strict accountability, we wonder where we are from this great Hadith!

When our major infrastructure facilities lack the culture of periodic maintenance and the principle of prevention, we wonder where we are from this great Hadith!

When we find the lack of pro-activeness and foresight before things happen in our major systems, we wonder where we are from this great Hadith!

When we find ourselves not taking advantage of the lessons learned from… continue reading at saudigazette.com.sa

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