The best and the worst passports

Passport ranking

You want to know how good is your passport compared to other?
We show here ranking for passport based on 3 criterions!
First criterion is the number of countries and territories that you can visit without a pre-arrnaged visa.
Second criterion is the number people that you can meet without a pre-arrnaged visa
Third criterion is the area that you can travel to without a pre-arrnaged visa.


Passports of Arab, Muslim states among the 10 worst in the world

Al Arabiya

The passports of seven Arab or Muslim states are among the 10 worst in the world in terms of free access to other countries, according to a recently published Henley & Partners Visa Restrictions Index.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Palestine, Eriteria, Nepal, Sudan, Sri lanka and Lebanon, remain in the bottom 10 places of the ranking. This means that the citizens of these countries enjoy the least freedom of international travel, according to the index.

The passports of Syria and Libya are ranked as the 12th and the 14th worst in the world respectively.

Some Arab Gulf states enjoy the best freedom of travel among Arab countries, but on a global scale, their freedom still appears very restricted.

The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain are ranked 56, 57 and 59 respectively in the freedom of travel index.
Saudi Arabia, Oman, Tunisia are ranked 64, 65, and 65 respectively. Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt are ranked 75, 79, and 79 respectively.


Categories: Asia, Europe

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