A New Commentary of the Holy Quran Emphasizing Compassion, Justice and Human Rights Launched


Source: TheQuran.Love

Here are some details from the Homepage and About Us page of the website:

The very first verse of the Holy Quran is, “I begin in the name of God, the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful.”

It talks about the Divine compassion for the mankind and as we are created in His image, we are supposed to reflect it towards fellow humans and the rest of God’s creation.

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a Persian poet from the 13th century is the best selling poet in USA these days. He wrote 3,000 love songs to his mentor Shams of Tabriz, the prophet Muhammad, may peace be on him, and God. His monumental Mathnawi has been called the Quran in the Persian language.[1] According to William C. Chittick, Professor of Asian and Asian American Studies at Stony Brook University, as he highlights love in both the Mathnawi and the Quran, “This is not because it bears any outward resemblance to the Divine Word, but rather because Rumi was able to capture in a non-technical, everyday language, understandable to any Persian speaker, what he himself calls, ‘the roots of the roots of the roots of the religion’ – which is an apt description of the Quran itself, the foundation of every thing Islamic.”[2] A beautiful one line summary by Rumi of the love in the Quran, an epitome of love, compassion and justice.


This is an effort by a group of anonymous authors from different sects of Islam to sow a few seeds of love, compassion, peace and pluralism.

President Trump thrust himself into a bitter Persian Gulf dispute on June 6th, 2017, taking credit for Saudi Arabia’s move to isolate its smaller neighbor, Qatar, and rattling his national security staff by upending a critical American strategic relationship.

In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump said his call for an end to the financing of radical groups had prompted Saudi Arabia and four other countries to act this week against Qatar, a tiny, energy-rich emirate that is arguably America’s most important military outpost in the Middle East.

“During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology,” he wrote in a midmorning post. “Leaders pointed to Qatar — look!”

This is the latest example of division among the Muslims.

We believe every human life to be precious and sacred, as outlined in the Quranic verse 5:32, and terrorism is never justified for any reason, what so ever.

Having said that, in the recent events, we apprehend a broader Sunni versus Shia conflict and a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  This adds urgency to our work, to bring out the mutual compassion and love among the Muslims in the heart and minds of the masses, to serve as a deterrent to the self serving political and religious elite.

The Muslims are divided into different countries, camps and sects, each vying for its own myopic interest, until the larger interests of the Muslims or humanity at large are lost to most of us.

This website is an attempt to provide a commentary of the holy Quran to the readers, which is non-sectarian and is written by an anonymous group of writers coming from different sects of Islam, be they Sunni, Shia, Ismaili, Ahmadi or refuse any such category or description.

A better understanding of the holy Quran will bring all the Muslims closer to the vision of the prophet Muhammad, may peace be on him, when he said that the Muslims are one like a body, when one part hurts the whole body feels the anguish of the pain.

There is far more that unites all the Muslims that any sectarian differences are of minuscule significance.

William Chittick has an essay titled the Quran and Sufism in a recently published commentary of the holy Quran by Syed Hossein Nasr and his associates:

So the goal of God’s creative activity is not, as some might think, for there simply to be a world out there, but rather for God and His loved ones to come together, as they were before creation. Rumi explains this game of love when he says that all of us used to be fish swimming in the ocean of Divine Unity, unaware of our distinction from the water. Then God threw us up on dry land, the realm of separation, longing, pain, and suffering. Only by tasting separation can we remember the joy of water and desire to return to it. Once we return, we will swim in the Ocean of Unity again with full awareness of the joy of consummated love.

The most explicit reference to union with God in the earliest Islamic sources is probably the sound hadith qudsi in which God speaks of the servant who seeks nearness to Him through good works. When the servant advances on the path, then, God says, ‘I love him, and when I love him, I am the hearing with which he hears, the eyesight with which he sees, the hand with which he grasps, and the foot  with which he walks.'[3] This hadith has been the subject of endless explication in Sufi texts, for it describes in concrete terms the fruit of He loves them. But they love Him also plays a basic role: the servants’ love for God drives them to follow the path of guidance. If their love were to be misguided, then they would be attracted to the gold plating rather than to God; so they would not advance on the path. To advance they must act beautifully and virtuously (ihsan) and come to be characterized by beautiful character traits. The only way to accomplish this is to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet. The Prophet is instructed, Say, ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you’ (3:31). When God does love us, then He will be the hearing with which we hear, the eyes with which we see, and the heart with which we love.[4]

A quarter to a third of the millennial generation in the Western world are not affiliated with any particular denomination of Christianity. The same may be true for the young Muslims growing in USA, Canada and Europe. This commentary may serve as a useful resource for them, to start their journey in Islam, until they are ready for further advancement.

Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times, has collected a large number of verses on the theme of human compassion: Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran.

One of the main Quranic themes is to transform the love of God to compassion for the fellow man. Read, how the Divine author describes His bounty to the prophet Muhammad, may peace be on him, to guide him towards the weak, vulnerable and down trodden:

Did He not find you an orphan and sheltered you, find you lost and guided you and find you in need and satisfied your need?

So, do not be harsh with an orphan and do not chide the one who asks for your help and share with others and talk about the blessings of your Lord. (Al Quran 93:6-11)

As we finish translation and brief commentary of each surah of the Quran, it will be made available. Surah Fatihah commentary is now available in the recent posts or by clicking here.

We believe the two fundamental beliefs in Islam, which it shares with Judaism and Christianity are belief in the Transcendent God and accountability in the life after death. The former is discussed at some length in the commentary of Surah Fatihah and the latter in the commentary of Surah Waqi’ah. But, the focus of the commentary is more on human interactions than on beliefs, so those verses get greater attention and more detailed commentary. As every religion claims that it is based on compassion and even agnostics and atheists promote humanism, for the sake of our global village we want to focus more on human interactions.  It is said that the Golden rule is shared by each and every religion.

We believe that the two fundamental themes in the Quran for interaction in the human family are compassion and justice. The former is discussed in Surah Fatihah and the latter in one of the sections of Surah Nisa.

You can help make it the best commentary in the world, for a long time to come, by making suggestions for us in the comment section or leaving ideas and reading materials for the readers. Allah says in the holy Quran that whoever makes a righteous promotion or endorsement will have part of the reward of the goodness that follows. (4:85)

Every Muslim wants to see greater love among the Muslims and less inter-sectarian and other divisions. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi,”Be the change you want to see in the world,” by endorsing this well intentioned effort and contributing to it by your suggestions. We can all remember at this time the popular Hadith of the holy prophet Muhammad, may peace be on him, “The best among you is he or she who learns the Quran and teaches it!”

We have extensively reviewed and borrowed from the following translations and commentaries, from different denominations in Islam:

It is self evident that all the above commentators of the Quran loved the holy scripture, but, we know as a positive fact that many among them could not love the others because of the sectarian differences. Nevertheless, with our broader perspective, we have found love and respect for all of them and learnt and shared from all of them.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr and his associates’ commentary was published in 2015 and they give the names of 41 traditional commentaries in Arabic and Persian both from the Sunni and Shiite tradition that they reviewed for their work. We have tabulated these 41 commentaries at the bottom of About Us page.

Banking on their review for the traditional contributions, we are focusing on the commentaries from the last century and contemporary knowledge of science and law to bring out the best for our readers.

Where ever we have borrowed ideas from the above thirteen commentators, we have acknowledged their contributions, at the end of the paragraph with the initials used above.

In the translation we have benefited the most from the translations of Muhammad Abdel Haleem, which was published by Oxford University, A. J. Arberry and Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan.

We have already collected several wonderful essays or articles by different authors, both Muslims and even some non-Muslims about the holy Quran or it’s specific verses.

Click here to go the website of the new commentary; have a safe journey.

Suggested reading

The Quran Gives Principles of Justice, But No Judicial System

The Bible And The Quran Are Pretty Similar When It Comes To Justice

The Holy Quran Applauded as a Landmark Contribution to ‘Words of Justice’ by the Harvard University

46 replies

  1. It is a matter of regret that very few Muslims can understand Islam. most misunderstand it and react accordingly.

    • @ Muhammad Ilyas: I agree with you. We have to urge Muslims to investigate and study by him self to find the truth. This is my investigation of Islam, and who Islam is?

      Most Jews, Christians, Muslims always follow the religion of their parents, and place their trust on their parents and clerics since the childhood to death. Most of them never study deeply to seek the truth about their religion and other religion. In other words, most of them are the so-called a bigotry. These religious bigotry can be deceived easily and go astray. Unfortunate most Muslims do not use their own mind to find the truth of religion ( Taurat, Zabur, Injil and Al Quran). Witch religion can bring them to the Heaven in this world and Hereafter?

      Most Muslims never investigate or learn other religions ( Taurat, and Injil ). This is totally wrong. Whereas Allah command Muslims to believe in Taurat, Zabur, and Injil and all Prophets. If you do not observe or learn other religion how do we know which one is a truer religion. Right?

      Allah’s warning; Allah will curse people who do not use his mind;
      And He will put wrath on those who do not use their mind. Q.10;100. ( Islam is logic ).

      Whereas Allah has warned in Bible and Al Quran do not trust on a man ( Rabbi, Priest and Cleric) he can make a mistake and then mislead you, bring disaster on you;

      There is no one in this earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake.Ecc.7:20.
      Do not trust in human leaders ( Cleric, Rabbi, priest ); no human being can save you. When they die,they return to the dust; on that day all their plans come to the end.Psalm 146:3.
      It is better to trust in God ( Bible, Al Quran ) than depend on man. It is better to trust in God, than depend on human leaders. Psalm 118:8
      In Al Quran.
      They have taken their priests and their scholars for their Lords besides God Q.9:31. Refer also Q.7:2-4. Those who follow idol will fall into unforgivable sin or Syrick.

      1. Everyone has to investigate or seek the truth. For that everyone has to study other religions with open minded. Then you can decide which one the truth of religion. You will feel satisfied more than before. If you make a mistake, Allah will forgive you, but if you place your belief on parents or clerics, he can not be responsible in hereafter, you will be responsible on your deeds.
      2. If you do place your trust on a cleric without study by yourself, you become a Syrik, it is a unforgivable sin.

      For example that most clerics are not honest indeed;
      God has named you all ( Jews, Christians, Muslim ) Islam Q.22:78, unfortunately, most Islamic Extremist Clerics are not honest, they hide the truth of Islam. Clerics say, Jews, Christian are infidel (Khafir). Bible has been corrupted. Most clerics teach his followers hate and hostile toward Jews and Christians. That is absolutely wrong, mislead Muslims around the world.
      Allah curse and punish severely those who accuse Bible has been corrupted. Most of them are extremist Clerics. We can see today and before, Allah has been cursing extremist Muslim every where with disgrace and misery of life.
      I urge all Muslims around the world; Do not accuse Allah’s word or Bible has been corrupted by men.

      Therefore, Allah has warned in Al Quran; Only few people will go to paradise, most of them will go to Hell.
      Remember! It is not so easy as your thought to enter Allah’s Heaven or Paradise. Heaven is the best place or honorable place.

      We established you on earth, and created in it means of living for you. Little you appreciate. Q.7:10.( only Few people can enter Heaven)

      Say! He is the one who has originated you, and made for you ears and eyes and hearts. How little you pay gratitude Q.67:23 ( Only few people can enter Heaven).

      May Allah give you strength, and guidance to investigate / seek the truth. Amiin.

      • Somi: Even Christian scholars know that the Bible is not the word of God, word by word. There are no originals available.

    • @ Zia, thank you for sharing this video.. woow!
      He say, the ancient world was illiterly…. how they can write it? Prophet Muhammad times also people were illiterly. How they can write verses on stone, animal
      Skin etc.
      Scholars ( Christian and Muslim) say; they could memorize all verses . Woow!?
      Islamic scholars say; Al quran was written in Arab world and never change it till today. Quran was preserved well.
      If we ask question; how they collected and combined all verses, who did it, where is the first original one? No one can answer it.
      If we follow our mind, use our knowledge , it is hard to accept it. It is impossible to believe that Taurat, Zabur, Gospel, and Al Quran are written without mistake or missing or corrupting etc.

      Why do we believe? Because we believe in God, we believe in God’s word. Right?

      God say in Gospel: God will protect His words or book.
      God say in Al Quran; God will protect His words or book.

      God never say to Jesus that Taurat was corrupted
      God never say to Muhammad that Taurat, Zabur and Godpel are corrupted
      In contrary, God command Muslim to believe in all His books and practice it.

      It is in Books (Taurat, Zabur, Injil, and Quran) held (greatly) in honour. Exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy, (Written) by the hands of scribes― Honourable and Pious and Just. QS.80; 7-16.

      There are some unknown meaning of verses which only God knows it.
      Extremist Muslim use this verses to accuse others is wrong. God already warned His people do not slander or discord others.
      He is the One who has revealed to you the Book (the Qur’an). Out of it there are verses that are Muhkamat (of established meaning), which are the principal verses of the Book, and some others are Mutashabihat (whose definite meanings are unknown). Now those who have perversity in their hearts go after such part of it as is mutashabih, seeking (to create) discord, and searching for its interpretation (that meets their desires), while no one knows its interpretation except Allah; and those well-grounded in knowledge say: “We believe therein; all is from our Lord.” 3 Only the men of understanding observe the advice. (7) Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate from the right path after You have given us guidance, and bestow upon us mercy from Your own. Surely, You, and You alone, are the One who bestows in abundance. Q.3:7-8.

      I urge strongly Muslim and Jews, Christians to believe what God say in Bible and Al Quran.

      May Allah guide us to the true teaching of Islam Amin
      All ❤️

  2. A smart person try to make million dollar by writing an contraversive book of Bible.
    It is better believe in God word than people word forsure.
    Those who believe in Idol ( man) will fall into sinful syriks.
    All ❤️

  3. Useless article. You can’t study a book on medicine without a teacher, and yet you want to understand Quran all by yourself? Then what was the point of sending the book to us through a Prophet? If you study by yourself, sooner or later you will definitely fac issues and think that this book doesn’t make sense (not because it doesn’t but because you don’t understand it) an
    you’ll probably end u getting a completely different message altogether. I feel you are working on the agendas of think tank organizations Ike RAND to Manipulate learned Muslims and feed them a completely different interpretation of Islam. Know this, that the religion of Allah can not b corrupted by liberals like yourself.

    And Can you please tell us where does the word bismillah have “I begin with”? Ridiculous.

  4. We are learning not from one teacher but many of them.

    Let me ask you a simple question as well, if I may. Have you had the audacity of Googling without the help of a teacher and learn something new?

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