Jesus Christ Died At The Age Of 120 In India And Is Buried In Srinagar

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  26 NOV, 2016

It is a popular belief that Jesus Christ rose to heaven and his body was never buried on earth. But with recent discoveries by the well-known archeologists, this stance appears to be untrue.

What opposes this belief is the findings at the Rozabal Tomb in Kashmir which prove that the body of  Yuz Azaf, a name adopted by Jesus in India, is buried in this tomb. The word ‘Yuz’ stands for Yuzu (meaning Jesus), and ‘Asaf’ in Hebrew means gatherer, collectively, the one who was to collect the lost sheep of Israel.

It is now believed that about two thousand years ago, Jesus (Yuz Asaf) came to Srinagar, India from Syria to collect the lost sheep of Israel. Thereafter, he died a natural death.


The Rozabal tomb is well-known among Ahmadi Muslims. Back in 1899, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, wrote a detailed thesis in his book ‘Jesus In India’ claiming that Rozabal tomb is actually the tomb of ‘Jesus’.

This is the extract from his book:

“In any case, it was necessary for Jesus to find out the whereabouts of these lost sheep, who had, on coming to this country, India, become merged into the other people. I shall presently adduce evidence that Jesus did in fact come to India and then, by stages, traveled to Kashmir, and discovered the lost sheep of Israel among the people who professed the Buddhist faith and that these people ultimately accepted him, just as the people of the prophet Jonah accepted Jonah. And this was inevitable, for Jesus(as)had said in so many words that he had been sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”


Secondly, Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, i.e at the place of Sri and the Rozabal tomb is also located at Sri i.e. Srinagar. The word ‘sri’ is common in both the places and this is indeed, very striking.

Thirdly, what further deepens the belief that Jesus came to Srinagar is these scarred footprints which are present near the grave in the tomb:

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Many researchers have pointed to the feet carvings and highlighted that both the feet show crucifixion scars. The researchers say:

“The position of the scars, just behind the toes, do not match each other, but they would align if a single nail was driven through both feet, with the left foot placed on top of the right.”

Dr. Fida Hassnain, a prominent Sufi archaeologist agreed to this too. He said,

“I felt astonished to see these wound marks, and at once it took me to the Crucifixion scene where Jesus was put on the cross.”

Well, this seems to be a significant evidence to prove that these footprints can be of Jesus Christ.

Lastly, Dr Fida Hassnain pointed out an interesting coincidence. He stated that the direction of the grave is in an East-West facing direction, the direction in which the Jews buried their dead, not in the direction traditional for Muslims with the right shoulder facing towards the Qiblah (in Makkah).

Source: Review of religions.