UK: Women of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Newcastle bought food and donation to homeless people in Sunderland


Women of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Newcastle chapter donated food to Sunderland Homeless Food bank

Women of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Newcastle chapter donated food to Sunderland Homeless Food bank (Image: UGC TNE)

Raising money for: Serving humanity

Organiser Shafia Saeed of Gateshead said: “Women auxiliary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Newcastle bought food and donation to homeless people in Sunderland. The food and duvet were presented to the lady who runs that food bank. The main purpose of this month to feel the pain of hunger and feed people who haven’t got provisions. That is the spirit of Ramadan.

“Being Muslims we ought to make charity donations because “Allah’s Messenger was the most generous of all the people, and he used to reach the peak in generosity in the month of Ramadan. Allah’s Messenger was the most generous person, even more generous than the fair winds.”

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