Alibaba’s Jack Ma warns evolving technology could cause World War III

‘The first technology revolution caused World War I,’ Mr Ma said. ‘The second technology revolution caused World War II. This is the third technology revolution.’

  • Josie Cox Business Editor
  • Thursday 22 June 2017  

Chinese business magnate Jack Ma said that evolving technologies are likely to pose a threat to more than just the job market and could in fact trigger a Third World War.

In an interview with CNBC, the billionaire chairman of Alibabasaid that world leaders have a duty to educate people to prevent the pain caused by a rapid rise in automation and artificial intelligence.

“The first technology revolution caused World War I,” he said. “The second technology revolution caused World War II. This is the third technology revolution.”

He said that the opportunities that he sees in the evolution of AI and in globalisation are the reasons he travels so much.  He says that on his many trips he is “talking to all the government and state leaders and telling them move fast”.


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