Syrians living under Isis accepted the jurisdiction of Islamist courts – does that make them collaborators?

Exclusive: Documents recovered from a ‘Sharia’ court in the town of Deir Hafar show even minor disputes were brought before religious judges

Almost exactly four years ago, a Syrian called Abu al-Zein, from the village of Katbiya in Aleppo province, appeared before the ‘General Court of the Revolutionary Police’ in the town of Deir Hafer to betray his cousins.

Saeed and Ibrahim Abdul al-Ghafour, he testified, had been heard cursing the ‘Free Syrian Army’ – especially a unit of the opposition rebels run by Abu al-Zein himself. “So I presented a complaint [for] military investigation and was surprised that on the second day they were released with no charges,” Abu al-Zein told the revolutionary court. “They are always talking against and cursing the ‘Free Army’ and so I appeal to you for an investigation and accountability [sic] to hold them responsible for all the things they said.”


Categories: Arab World, Asia, Syria

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