Halal-lujah! Just because I’m Muslim doesn’t mean I don’t celebrate Christmas

Not feeling obliged to stick to the letter of tradition when cooking our Christmas dinner, we’re free to concede that Turkey isn’t all that great anyway and go for chicken or roast lamb instead

There aren’t many Muslims who don’t appreciate the warmth and cheer that the UK collectively indulges in at this time of year.

For my own family, Christmas was the time that TV really upped its game. My dad would buy the Radio Times and, once he’d finished marking out his schedule of James Bond films, my siblings and I would descend upon it, scouring through its pages for Mary Poppins and The Snowman.

MORE:   http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/halal-lujah-just-because-im-muslim-doesnt-mean-i-dont-celebrate-christmas-a7484356.html

3 replies

  1. Yes, if I was in Europe I would visit a Christmas Market too. As a Muslim I still appreciate Christmas cookies …

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  3. Christmas is a mixture of different beliefs, and can be celebrated by all. For those who believe in the birth of Jesus (which wasn’t at that time of year anyway), they celebrate in their way, with church services, etc. Others will celebrate the Winter Solstice and the New Year, which applies to all. And the Christmas tree is an ancient Nordic tradition, again nothing to do with Christianity, just adopted for the Winter celebration and representing the new light (New Year). But modern ‘Christmases’ are mainly commercialised occasions with Santa Claus being the central figure. In America both the religious and the secular versions seem to be popular. But there is something for all. And a beautifully decorated tree with lights is not going to harm anyone. Seasonal greetings and peace to all!

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