Security beefed up at Delhi Airport after bomb scare

Security beefed up at Delhi Airport after bomb scare

Updated: Saturday, July 11, 2015, 1:14 [IST] Share this on your social network:    FacebookTwitterGoogle+   CommentsMail New Delhi, July 10:

Bomb scare at Delhi Airport


Security at the Indira Gandhi International Airport here was beefed up after its call centre in Gurgaon received a call from a person informing about the presence of a “bomb”. The caller, however, did not specify any location or airline, Delhi airport sources said. “At around 5:35 pm the airport call centre received a call saying that there is a bomb. The call had come from an Australian number,” sources said. All security agencies concerned were pressed into service to search and detect the presence of any possible explosive material, they said. At around 6:45 pm, the Bomb Threat Assessment Committee declared the threat as “non-specific” after a thorough search of the airport was carried out.

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