Respect the Name: Muhammad


It seems that we have forgotten the rich meaning of the name Muhammad and we are using it as any regular name, without giving the name the weight it deserves.

A group of students at King Abdul Aziz University have launched a campaign through word of mouth and social media that aims to restore the reverence and the special standing associated with the beautiful name Muhammad, the name of our Prophet may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

The campaign actually has a dual purpose; first to remind Muslims of the profound meaning of this name and to show its importance, distinction, and the special place it should occupy in our hearts.

Second, these young students want to put a stop to the all too common and impolite habit of calling out to anyone whose name is unknown to us, “Hey! Muhammad!”

“We hear the Prophet’s name rudely and loudly called out …continue reading at

1 reply

  1. The best homage is to follow in our beloved person’s footsteps & be a blessing to people around you & the humanity in general.

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