Red Cross workers kidnapped in Syria

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says gunmen have abducted six of its workers and one Red Crescent volunteer in north-west Syria.

The aid agency has had no contact with the gunmen, an ICRC spokesman says.

Earlier, Syrian state media said gunmen opened fire on Red Cross staff travelling on the Sirmin-Saraqeb road in Idlib province.

The ICRC says it has been struggling to gain access across Syria to provide aid to injured and displaced people.

“I am able to confirm that six ICRC staff members and one Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteer have been abducted near Idlib in north-western Syria,” ICRC spokesman Ewan Watson told Reuters.

“We are calling for their immediate and unconditional release of this team which was delivering humanitarian assistance to those most in need – and we do that on both sides of the frontlines,” he said


Categories: Arab World, Asia, Syria

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