Book on companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) published


Result for almost six years of efforts by forty Iranian clerics and religion researchers; a book on companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is published in Persian language.

Abdul Reza Askari, manager of the group writing the book on companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said the recent book is assimilated to an encyclopedia including the entries in alphabetical order.
He said the new book is in seven volumes written by 40 seminary researchers to meet the needs of Persian speaking readers of religious sources.
He noted that the names of about 1’200 companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are listed in different religious sources while the details about all of them is not available adding;” Therefore, we have concentrated on 300 of these names.”
According to the manager of the research group the book is in form of short anecdotes in simple Persian language which maintain scientific view proper for people from different walks of life.
He said,” The first volume of the series is on Ahlul Bayt (AS) with a foreword on the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) from both Shia and Sunni view.”
The next volumes of the book are on other companions of the Prophet of Islam.
However a disadvantage of the book, in view of the manager, is the different texture of the beginning and ending articles which will be reviewed in the next prints of the book.
He announced that Arabic, Turkish and English translation of the book are being prepared.

Categories: Asia, Islam

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