Allah can perpetuate night and day: An astronomical analysis


“When the sun is wrapped up in (darkness). When the stars fall losing their luster. (Qur’an, 81:1-2)

Friday 28 December 2012

Scientists know this that the celestial bodies are floating. That includes Earth which is floating with its double rotation – axial and orbital. Its axial rotation causes day and night and its orbital rotation along with its axis making an angle of 23.27 degrees that causes changes and seasons in climate.

It completes orbital motion in 365 days, 5 hours, and 46 seconds, to which the Qur’an says, centuries ago: “And the sun runs its course in its appointed place. This is the decree of Almighty and Wise. And for the moon We have appointed its mansions till it returns like an old dried curved date stalk. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon nor does the night outstrip the day.

They all float each in an orbit.” (Qur’an, 36-38:39) The divine verses state the rotation of the sun on its axis, the enlarging and reducing of the moon, the rotation of the night and the day and the floating of the sun, moon and earth including their axial and orbital rotation.

After mentioning the rotation of the celestial bodies, the Qur’an, referring to Allah’s great creative powers, says: “Say: See you? If Allah made the night to perpetuate till the Day of Resurrection which god besides Allah could bring you light.”

It further said: “Say: See you? If Allah made the day to perpetuate till the Day of Resurrection which god besides Allah could bring you night wherein you rest. (Qur’an, 28:71-72)

The aforesaid Qur’anic verses were subject to the criticism of the Orientalists who said the perpetuation of day or night is impossible. To this, some verses of the Quran point to the massive changes in our solar system. These changes have duly been confirmed by modern science: “When the sun is wrapped up in (darkness). When the stars fall losing their luster. (Qur’an, 81:1-2)

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1 reply

  1. when it is refered as mustaqar in quran the sun is running a course for an appointed period/term it is said , doesnt this refer to the joruney it takes through the mily way? walaahy A3lam . We should contemplate carefully it is in arabic and we should read other verses concerning this phenomena

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