FIR registered against desecration of Ahmadi graves in Lahore

Express Tribune: LAHORE: An FIR was registered in the early hours of Tuesday against the vandalism of over 100 tombstones at an Ahmadi graveyard in Lahore.

The FIR # 1096/12 was registered on instances of trespassing on burial places, punishment for dacoity, mischief and criminial intimidation and trespassing for assault or wrongful restraint.

Earlier, around 12 to 15 men, carrying arms and digging tools, entered the graveyard in Model Town, Q Block, between 1:30am and 1:45am and smashed tombstones of the graves, according to witnesses.


2 replies

  1. Note:Following comments appeared in Express Tribune. Probably the newspaper edited to suit its policy. Any way effort of Khalifa of Islam to spread peace acround the globe will get coverage to more audience.
    Just read following and compare how on one side Pakistani religious extremists destroying peace and this Pakistani Origin religious leader striving hard for restoration of Internaitonal peace. On 04.12.2012 in the afternoon, an historic keynote address by the world leader of Ahmadiyya community, to be delivered in the European Parliament, will urge politicians to seek faith-inspired solutions for conflicts rooted in geo-political causes. With the unfolding conflict in the Middle East clearly in mind, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, supreme Head of the Ahmadiyya Community, will tackle head-on the issue of eliminating extremism and promoting peace based on international justice. The Ahmadiyya Community is established in 200 countries and is one of the oldest communities across Europe and America. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the world’s leading religious figure promoting peace. His addresses delivered around the world, including Capitol Hill and Westminster, have advocated ways to broker peace in an increasingly globalized and conflict-ridden world. Fundamentally, His Holiness calls for the quest for justice to be put on a par with peace. He stresses that true justice springs from faith and that revealed scriptures, which millions of people hold dear, provide the framework for delivering that very justice they seek. His Holiness said: The establishment of world peace is the most vital and pressing issue facing the world today. However, the truth is that peace and justice are inseparable – you cannot have one without the other. There is little doubt that restlessness and anxiety is increasing in the world, and so disorder is spreading, which is a clear indication that somewhere along the line the requirements of justice are not being fulfilled. World political leaderships have their creative and intelligent minds focused on ideas, plans and indeed a vision of peace. Thus, this issue does not require me to speak from a worldly or political perspective; instead my entire focus will be based on how to establish peace based on religion. For this purpose I shall present some very important guidelines based on the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. His Holiness will deliver his address at the European Parliament, Brussels, on Tuesday 4 December. Hosted by The European Parliament ‘Friends of the Ahmadiyya Muslims’ Group, the event will be chaired by Dr Charles Tannock MEP with Vice-Chairs Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP, Tunne Kelam MEP and Claude Moraes MEP.

  2. FIR will not do anything unless state tacit support and colloboration with terrorists and extremists ends. the state agents are not honest nor the Chief Justice is he is not doing any sue motto on this because he cannot see this or does not want to see or know it out of callous and dishonest attitudes.

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