Peaceful Conventions by Ahmadiyya in Maimarkt Mannheim for 16 years and now Chaos by other Muslims

Note by the Editor. From 1995-2010 Ahamdiyya Muslim Community Germany organized its Jalsa Salana in maimarktgelände Mannheim.  Never ever any trouble erupted. All the neighbours and city administration remained full of praise for Ahamdiyya. Due to shortage of space, in 2011, Ahadmiyya shifted to Karlsruhe.  This year Maimarket area was used by other Muslims for their gathering and what end result came up, one can read in following news. All blessings with Ahamdiyya is due to Khilafat. Heading also suggested by the Editor.

Source: Spiegel.

Kurdish cultural festival (Saturday): 13 police emergency vehicles were demolished. 40,000 Kurds from all over Europe came to Mannheim to celebrate a cultural festival. Then there were riots, the event ended in chaos. 80 policemen were injured, one of them seriously.

Mannheim – case of serious disturbances on the eve of a Kurdish cultural festival in Mannheim on Saturday, 80 policemen were injured, one of them seriously. Most were injured by projectiles such as bricks or bottles, as the police said. Even fireworks were ignited. 13 police emergency vehicles were demolished. The officers used a pepper spray. There were 31 arrests. Besides flags and T-shirts with symbols of banned organizations, four knives and brass knuckles were seized.To the cultural festival, police estimate around 40,000 Kurds from all over Europe came to Mannheim. All the time  about 2,500 violent or potentially violent Kurdish and 600 police officers were batteling on the Maimarktgelände. The University Hospital of Mannheim was put on the evening on Emergency Plan: 40 doctors and 60 nurses were in the emergency room ready, five operating rooms were ready.Triggered the riots, according to police was probably a 14-year-old who wanted the flag of a banned organization on the festival site. Security forces of the organizers were trying to stop him. As if that were not successful, they would have called the police for help. Then, the officers were suddenly attacked by several visitors.

Police union calls for ban for similar events.

The violent Kurds were supported by thousands of other event visitors loudly. There had been “no chance” to calm the situation, said the police spokesman. Only after the end of the event on the evening the situation calmed down.The police union (GdP) condemned the riots. The policy should work to ensure that in future such events take place are no longer allowed, it said in a statement the GdP. Even before the festival, there had been clashes. On Friday, the police had to stop claims to be a multi-day youth march from Strasbourg to Mannheim, as he threatened to get out of hand. While the train was noisy police have been repeated offenses such as injuries and insults.Already on Wednesday were in a dispute between Kurds and Turks on the edge of the trail near Bruchsal seven people were injured, including five police officers.


Categories: Europe, Germany

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