Uni Sierra Leone Muslim Jama’at Visits Secondary Schools

In a bid to revive Islamic philosophy, the University of Sierra Leone Muslim Jama’at has started a school tour in order to encourage students of various secondary schools to make either the Muslim Jama’at or SLEFES their first point of call when seeking entry into the university.

The University of Sierra Leone Muslim Jama’at is a tripartite union of Muslim students at Fourah Bay College, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences and the Institute of Public Administration and Management.

In his address at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School, the Public Relations Officer, Brother Amadu Bah said the group’s main aim is to encourage students to always join what is good and forbid evil.

He emphasized that despite their status, one should not forget that the purpose of creation is to serve Allah only. He called on the students to love each other, respect elders, be kind to the less privileged and portray good attitude towards society.

Brother Bah, who is also president at the college of medicine, outlined the aims and objectives of the association which includes to propagate Islamic consciousness amongst Muslims, how to maximize their academic principles in the University and to ensure that the principles of Islamic doctrines are adhered to. He reiterated that in the various campuses of the university, there are mosques which will shape their Islamic ideologies as the various jama’at conduct different programs in order to contribute positively towards student unionism.

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