Iraq parliament delayed for five weeks

Summary Iraq’s new parliament delayed its next session for five weeks Monday, extending the country’s political paralysis in the face of a Sunni Islamist insurgency which claimed the life of an army general on the northwestern outskirts of Baghdad. Saudi Arabia reported three shells hit the Arar area inside the […]

He lost 153 pounds, won his first triathlon

By Carter Maguire, Special to CNN updated 1:04 PM EDT, Mon July 7, 2014 Editor’s note: Do you have a weight-loss success story to share? Tell us how you did it and you could be featured in our weekly weight-loss story on (CNN) — The presents had been opened; the wrapping paper was stuffed […]

Maliki exit path to hope

Summary Maliki exit path to hope Despite growing unease over his tenure by allies in the West and the region, including internal partners in Iraq, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki appears as determined as ever to retain power, but his obstinacy looks to threaten the stability of the entire region and […]

Whitewashing the failure in Iraq

RAMZY BAROUD Published — Tuesday 8 July 2014 AS Iraq stands on the verge of a complete breakdown into mini sectarian states, former leading neoconservative and Iraq war advocate Richard Perle made a sudden appearance on Newsmax TV. His statements in the interview were yet another testament to the intellectual […]

Jihad – The True Islamic Concept

The Truth Message – Part – 3.26: Islam & Jihad Let me begin with Bismi-llahi r-rahmani r-rahim [In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Ever Merciful] The Islamic institution of Jihad is the least understood and the most talked about aspect of Islam in the world today. Unfortunately […]

C-section ‘linked to stillbirth’

Source: BBC News   Women who have c-sections are 14% more likely to have a stillbirth in future than those giving birth naturally, say researchers. And c-sections raised the chance of an ectopic pregnancy by 9%, according to a study of more than 800,000 Danish first-time mothers. Prof Louise Kenny […]

C-section 'linked to stillbirth'

Source: BBC News   Women who have c-sections are 14% more likely to have a stillbirth in future than those giving birth naturally, say researchers. And c-sections raised the chance of an ectopic pregnancy by 9%, according to a study of more than 800,000 Danish first-time mothers. Prof Louise Kenny […]