German minister sparks uproar with Muslim holiday idea

Source: The Local

Conservatives in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition were in an uproar on Saturday after one of her key allies floated the idea of a Muslim holiday in Germany.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said this week he was willing to discuss the possibility of introducing a Muslim holiday in parts of the country.

Germany is home to some 4.4 million Muslims, with many coming from the nation’s large ethnic Turkish community. The over one million migrants that arrived in recent years also include many Muslims.

“Where there are many Muslims why shouldn’t we consider a Muslim holiday,” the interior minister said at a rally in Lower Saxony ahead of Sunday’s regional election in the state.

The CSU, the Bavaria-based sister party of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, strongly rejected the idea.

“Germany’s Christian heritage is not negotiable,” Alexander Dobrindt, a senior CSU politician, told the Bild newspaper.

“For us, the introduction of Muslim holidays is out of the question,” he said.

Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz meanwhile said Saturday that the idea was worth “thinking about”, according to the DPA news agency.


Suggested Reading

Islam in Germany and France: A Collection of Articles

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotes – BrainyQuote

Integrating Europe’s Muslims – Javier Solana

Islam in Germany and France: A Collection of Articles

13 replies

  1. I don’t think this is a very good idea. It is like suggesting that a Christian holiday be held in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. When I was living in KSA I had to celebrate Christmas in private, which I respected given that the country does not tolerate Christian worship or the wearing of the cross.

    • Not agreed. One has to see the rights viz a viz population. K S A does not house millions of Christians. In Pakistan Christians enjoy holidays at state level.

      • OK, but I believe the Muslim population in Germany (mainly Turkish) is still relatively small:

        An estimate made in 2015 calculated that there are 4.4 to 4.7 million Muslims in Germany (5.4–5.7% of the population). Of these, 1.9 million are German citizens (2.4%)

        So, working on the statistic of 2.4% this in no way entitles them to public holidays.

  2. Frm my persoective, in order this world be better off for living every where, all Islamic countries start from KSA obey human Right and womens right.

    As long as Islamic countries do not obey Human Right, Christian Countries have the right to do the same as Islamic countries in for the sake of fairness.

    Therefore, in order Immigrant Muslim can have the same right, first we have to demand to all Islamic leaders to obey Human Right and womens right.

    CREATOR say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the Abraham’s faith. Islam call Allah, Judaism call Yahweh and Christian call God. Refer to Quran 22:78, that Jews, Christian and Muslim are all Islam, the same Creator.

    So every country ( Islam, Christian and Jews ) should treat all in justice, kindness, respect and love each other.
    Woow, this in beautiful world we can enjoy to live instead of conflict.
    Let us pray to God in order God allow us to have peacefull world Amiin
    All love

  3. Those immigrant Muslims who demand the Islamic holiday, women have to wear hijab, Islamic Bank, Islamic food, Islamic school, Halal food, and then they demand syariah state etc, they are extremist Muslim, extremist ideology, like Isis, Iran, Saudi, Sudan, Pakistan etc etc.

    Hopefully Christian ruler in Europed, Canada, USA do not allow them to do Syariah law such above.

    Extremist Muslimd use Democracy, freedom of religion and expresion just for their benefits, when they control a small state or city like Chen chen, Philipine Kasmir etc they want to establish Syariah law like Isis. Taliban, Saudi and Iran, there is no freedom of religion anymore.

    Christian and Progressive Islam can work together to fight and defeat Extremist Islamic ideology. They are dangerous for humanity indeed.
    Was salam with love

  4. God has created diverse human beings to live in this tiny global village of one family. Creation by its very nature is diverse with different species, different communities, different cultures and languages. These differences represent the beauty and wonder but diversity is sometimes not fully appreciated, resulting in all sorts of clashes. The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others, as if in a family.

    Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society. Multiculturalism can accommodate diversity of all kinds – cultural, philosophical and religious – so that we can create a world without conflict and strife. Britain can assume the role of accommodation and concern for all peoples, for our planet and indeed for our survival. Multi-Culturalism is even more important and crucial after 9/11 and 7/7. Muslim youths are also likely to feel alienated by a focus on shared Brutishness, rather than multicultural diversity. Rather than promoting a single British “us” teaching should acknowledge that “us” can be diverse and plural. Children should be encouraged to explore differences in appearance, history and religion to reduce social and educational fears.

    People are people, regardless of where they were born, what colour their skin is, or whatever religion. All deserve respect. Tolerance in Sweden/Britain is an illusion. The problem isn’t immigrants not adapting to British culture, it’s Brits showing much disrespect and scorn to those who are of any immigrant background. even if an immigrant was well versed in English, knew the customs etc. would they still get employment? No. Would Brits treat them as a decent human? No. So why would they want to assimilate into a culture that is constantly tearing them down? Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society.

    A vast majority of people in this world just want to live their lives with their families and friends, and don’t give a hoot about what other people do, as long as they can go on with their families and friends. I find it almost impossible to believe that most Muslims want to kill people who don’t share their views. The matter at hand is how to change the mind-set of people so a higher percentage does not turn to violence. One should not lump all individuals of any particular Faith in with the violent actions of a few misguided individuals who USE Religion to justify their violent actions. Every now and then a Muslim kills in the US and some people jump on ALL Muslims, as though WHITES, CHRISTIANS or otherwise, do not kill. They forget that non-Muslim killing far outnumbers Muslim killing in the US. They call for the expulsion of Muslims. The BEST SOLUTION would be for all FOREIGNERS to go back to their roots and return the country to the original AMERICAN NATIVES. Is this not a FAIR PROPOSAL? LOL! You white Christians have destroyed the Native Americans and it is only fair and right that YOU be destroyed by other communities.

    A civilisation is measured not by the rights it grants its majority but the privileges it allows its minorities. Muslim families are as entitled as any other religious group to schools that nurture their children’s faith. Muslim pupils should be educated in Muslim schools because the current system is marginalising them. Teaching Muslim children in a Muslim school would remove the “problem of them being exposed” to values that conflict with Islamic faith. Muslim pupils are disadvantaged and marginalised in the city’s state schools because the cultural heritage of the curriculum is “European and Christian”.

    CHRISTIANS should be encouraged to marry Muslims as a way of tackling Islamophobia, a senior peer claimed today. Lord Scott, a former Supreme Court Judge, cited his own family – in which two of his four children married Muslims – as an example of how interfaith families can thrive. The peer, who sits as a crossbencher in the Lords, made the comments during a debate on how to improve relations between the Muslim community and other faith groups in the UK. He said: “Of my two sons one has become a Muslim and of my two daughters one of those has become a Muslim, and I have 12 lovely grandchildren, seven of whom are little Muslims…”I do just wonder that if an improvement is needed between the faith groups, one way of promoting that might be to encourage interfaith marriages.”

    Why complain when it’s the British who first migrated into other lands enslaving those people? When it is a question on immigration, the feelings are so strong. I wonder why. Serves you right! Britain! When the British colonised the world, it was ok. But now when people from the former colonies and from other countries come to Britain, its not ok?

    Look into history and then you can cry because what goes around comes around. Don’t see why people have such a problem with mass immigration? It enriches our culture and boosts the economy! We have to stop looking at these people as immigrants and think of them as human beings. The immigrants are not to blame because they were invited and welcomed here by our successive government. We have quite large Spanish , French and Italian communities in Brighton and I believe it really enhances the place and adds to diversity of the City. Globalisation is here to stay. Britain colonised & some would say civilised half the world. It’s called Karma. Not so long ago British people colonized Asia, living like kings while locals suffering to no end. At least, these migrants do not enslave the Britons, so stop whining please.

    The native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. You have failed to respect and tolerate Black community, who speaks your language, share your culture and faith. English, Irish, Welsh and Scott hate each other, sharing the same culture, faith and language. It is difficult for you to accept, respect and tolerate Muslims with different culture, languages and FAITH. You have no choice but to accept them for your own survival. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. By the end of this century, nearly 50% of British population would be Muslim.

    Stop treating foreigners like garbage and they will stop ruining your precious country. Why did you let them in in the first place if you didn’t want them here? They left everything in their countries because of your promises. Are you so anxious to please that you can’t say “no”? I would love to see you go to a foreign land where you don’t have any friends, you don’t even know anyone and you don’t speak the language, and start from scratch.

    Muslim Community needs Masajid, state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, halal meat, sharia laws, time off for Friday afternoon prayers in the Masjid, two official religious holidays per year and Muslim cemeteries. Muslim community is a part and parcel of the western society. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of never ending Muslim migration, high birth rate and conversion.

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