Brink of war with the world’s only superpower.

Source: Daily Mail

As millions of North Koreans celebrate the Day of the Sun today, marking the birth of their cruel dynasty’s founding dictator, Kim Il-sung, his grandson’s nuclear ambitions have put the nation’s fate on a knife-edge and threatens peace throughout East Asia.The chubby young tyrant, Kim Jong-un, has enjoyed playing the unpredictable despot ever since he inherited power in 2011. Now he is playing with fire.This is a leader who would willingly take his small, poverty-stricken country to the brink of war with the world’s only superpower.

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Categories: Asia, North Korea

1 reply

  1. And the super power’s current leadership is equally irresponsible to respond in kind to this maniac….!

    Both are supremely SELFISH in the extreme.

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