‘Tis the season for animal rights


WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) Bicycle police stop traffic to allow a camel, part of a nativity scene procession, to cross near the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on December 3, 2013. The group “Faith and Action” held their annual “Live Nativity on Capitol Hill” to exercise their first amendment rights. Photo via Reuters/Jason Reed

Source: RNS

(USA Today) At this time of year, we often see animals subjected to cruel holiday stunts or treated as living props in our confusing pageantry.

Domino’s Japan recently announced it was canceling its ill-conceived plan to train reindeer to deliver pizza, following a PETA Asia campaign. And just this week, a man was charged with abusing a camel that was part of a hospital’s live Nativity scene in Pikeville, Ky.

With online purchases at a record high, brick-and-mortar businesses are pulling out all the stops to draw customers. But while shoppers can choose whether or not to stand in long lines and battle the crowds, animals used in holiday promotions face a bleak Christmas season.

Santa belongs at the mall — but reindeer do not. They easily become stressed when hauled around and put on public display. They don’t enjoy being petted, harnessed, or forced to “pull” sleighs.

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