Electoral map for USA President: Pick your scenario

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The Muslim Times’ Editor comments: Hillary Clinton has high likelihood to win and save the country and the world. But, it is not guaranteed yet. Go out and vote or bring your friends to polling stations.

Source: CNN

Donald trump says he wants to redraw the political map to take the white house. pick a map — based on CNN’s, the 2008 or 2012 election results or start from scratch — and decide if trump or Hillary Clinton will win the battleground states and the presidency.



6 ways Trump could win

trump-scenariosWashington (CNN) Donald Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes remains precarious — but with some breaks, he can get there.Trump’s campaign has made clear exactly what its targets are. It is spending $25 million on TV ads in the final week of the campaign in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Nevada and New Hampshire.Those ad buys are based on the assumption that Trump doesn’t need extra help to keep Arizona, Georgia, Utah, Texas or any other traditionally red state in the Republican column.

Trump starts with four must-wins: Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Iowa.

Those — plus making sure he doesn’t surrender other typically Republican states, and winning the one electoral vote that can come from Maine’s Second Congressional District — get Trump to 260 electoral votes.

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Categories: The Muslim Times, USA

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