Modi crossed ‘red line’ by talking about Balochistan: Pakistan

Source: TOI

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today said Prime Minister Narendra Modi crossed the “red line” by talking about Balochistan and asserted that it will “forcefully” raise the Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly session next month.”The Prime Minister strongly pleaded the case of Kashmir during General Assembly session last year and we will again forcefully raise the issue,” Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said. Zakaria, in his weekly news briefing here, also took strong exception to the remarks by Prime Minister Modi on Balochistan.
Prime Minister Modi had brought up Pakistani atrocities on people of Balochistan and PoK in his Independence Day speech.”It is the violation of the UN Charter…He (Modi) crossed the red line by talking about Balochistan,” Zakaria said. He alleged that India was involved in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Zakaria also claimed that India was referring to Balochistan to cover up its human rights violations in Kashmir.


Categories: Asia, Pakistan

1 reply

  1. Is ‘ sending terrorists in my country not the violation of UN charter? Is Pakistan not crossing the red line when it sends terrorists in Kashmir ? If Pakistani govt , army and jamaat u dawa really bother Muslims ; they must give justice to muhajirs , they must stop the killing of shia etc. If they really love freedom , first liberat Baluchistan . Pakistani people should be realistic . They must understand that it was jamaat u dawa like groups ,which have destroyed Iraq , Libya , Syria and many more Muslim countries . They must see the wounds of Muslim children , they must feel the pain and sufferings of those mothers who are loosing their families in the name of Jehad . What they are doing , is not Jehad but heinous crime against humanity . Our Prime Minister has shown mirror .

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