Islam and Caliphate: An Ahmadiyya Rebuttal to ISIS version of Jihad and Caliphate

AMYA: Does Islam sanction murder in foreign lands? Does jihad entail forcing Islam on the unwilling? Is militant terrorism ever justified by the Qur’an or the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? And what, or who, is a true Caliph?

With the rise of militant ‘jihadi’ groups like ISIS in Iraq and Syria, these questions have never been more relevant on the international scene. As a reply to their attempts to recruit from western countries, young British Muslims from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) prove from authentic Islamic source material that the murderous doctrines of such terrorists are fundamentally opposed to the peaceful teachings of the true Islam. All Quranic references are from a Qur’an in which ‘In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful’ is enumerated as the first verse. If your Qur’an does not enumerate it, subtract 1 from all references.

Additional Reading

Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

6 Convincing Reasons Debunking the Myth of Islam Promoting Hatred of Jews and Christians

Fundamental versus Allegoric:  War and Peace in Islam

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