Nigeria’s Muslim leader condemns Boko Haram

Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar called on Nigerian Muslims to support the government against Boko Haram.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, the president of Nigeria’s Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and Sultan of Sokoto has condemned the Boko Haram rebel group and called on Nigerian Muslims to shun them in a sermon on Sunday at the National Mosque in Abuja.

Vice president Namadi Sambo, who was also at the prayer service as the speech was given, listened to the Nigerian Muslim spiritual leader as he called on the country’s Muslims to support the government in the search for the 234 schoolgirls who were kidnapped from Chibok, Borno State, last month.

“Terrorism has no place in Islam. We must rise up, as always, with one voice to condemn all acts of terrorism, condemn those terrorists wherever they are and try our possible best as Muslims to ensure peace reigns in our community,” Abubakar said, according to Nigerian Watch.

“We are committed to helping the government at all levels to bring peace in Nigeria. Whatever we can do, as long as it is not against Islam, we are ready to do it 100%,” he added.

“We have to make it very clear that the situation in the country is very serious as we are fighting enemies with no boundary. Terrorists are everywhere, they are among us but we don’t know them. In this case, you don’t know the enemy as the person sitting next to you might be one of those terrorists. It is a very serious situation and we have to close ranks as Muslims and we have to close ranks as Nigerians, irrespective of ethnic or political divisions and not play politics with insecurity,” he explained.

Abubakar himself has been sent threats from Boko Haram in the past, as has the Emir of Kano and the Shehu of Borno, as the rebel group not only targets non-Muslims but also Muslims who disagree with their methods.

Boko Haram has accused them of betraying Islam by co-operating with the Nigerian government, which is comprised of both Muslims and Christians.


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