Letter: Professor implicitly justifies unfair system in Pakistan

Source: bostonglobe.com

I enjoyed Sunday’s feature article about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (“Haven for the faithful,” Nov. 24), which offers a thoughtful and balanced approach of discussing the works and beliefs of this thriving Muslim community. Ahmadi Muslims believe in dialogue and engagement with our neighbors and welcome the opportunity to speak about our beliefs and works with everyone.

I also thank Harvard associate professor Asad Ahmed for correctly describing the violence against members of this peaceful Islamic sect as “tragic.” While I appreciate his recognition of the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan — including targeted killings, arrests, and disenfranchisement — I cannot fully agree with his analytical point.

Mr. Ahmed maintains that the discrimination Ahmadi Muslims face in Pakistan is not just “mindless antagonism” but derives from a deeper intellectual opposition. On this point, I agree; Pakistan’s persecution of Ahmadi Muslims is not solely a result of extremists mindlessly inflicting violence on religious minorities. It is also a byproduct of a carefully crafted …continue reading at bostonglobe.com


Harris Zafar | National spokesman, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA




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