Cameron Succumbs to Growing Europhobia

Source: The Spiegel

By Christoph Scheuermann

Cameron speaks on the BBC's 'Andrew Marr Show' on Sunday.Zoom


Cameron speaks on the BBC’s ‘Andrew Marr Show’ on Sunday.

Britain’s right-wing conservative movement is making life difficult for Prime Minister David Cameron. The UK Independence Party wants to lead the country out of the EU, and its approval ratings are higher than ever. As the pressure mounts, Cameron has been at pains to outline a clear stance on Europe.


1 reply

  1. Few European non Muslim readers might object to following statement on the pretext that what a Muslim religious leaders has to do with the political situation of Europe. But I would say first examine these golden words and keep in mind that any one who claims getting divine guidance form Almighty, his words should carry weight.About the European Union, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, supreme head of International Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, while addressing the members of European Parliament on 04.12.2012 said,
    “The formation of the European Union has been a great achievement on the part of the European countries, for it has been a means of uniting this Continent. And so you should make all possible efforts to preserve this unity… Remember that the strength of Europe lies in it remaining united and together as one. Such unity will not only benefit you here in Europe but at a global level will be the means for this Continent to maintain its strength and influence.”
    The supreme head of Ahmadiyya community currently resides in UK and hopefully UK Prime Minister and other Britishers will pay ear to his advice.

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