The Dajal of Pakistani Media: Coverage of Huzoor’s Address to EU Parliament

BRUSSELS: European Parliament members have expressed concern over the rise of sectarian violence in Pakistan and the ability of militants to strike their victims with impunity.


A major interfaith conference related to Pakistan situation in the European Parliament heard various MEPs strongly criticising the Pakistanis authorities for failing to curb activities of militants and condemned the violation of rights of religious minorities by a handful of extremists. They called on the government to take action against organisations that preach hatred against innocent citizens.


Dr Charles Tannock MEP said it was true that hard-line Islamists don’t represent Islamists as a whole but their violent world view needs to be checked by the governments as it was posing threat to the western national security.


8 replies

  1. Wow! Quite an achievement by the Pakistani Press to write such a long article without mentioning Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. And without mentioning that the event was organized by a group called ‘friends of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’!

  2. In a country where, graves stones are being demolished, communities are deprived from their basic rights and history is being distorted to hide the achievements and sacrifices of Ahmadies for Pakistan, what can we expect better from Media? May GOD may show them some light……

  3. To avoid the mention of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
    they would even avoid reporting how beautifully Islam was presented by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the 5th in this part of the world where the message of Islam is regarded nothing more than a call to terrorism and violence, great service to Islam well done..

  4. Extremism is growing very fast because this problem also exists every where. Only when the government of the country get involved, it becomes like dajali fitna in its strength, hostility and destruction of minorities; what so ever or who ever is the country it does no matter.

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