Exploiting the Prophet

NY Times: “PISS CHRIST,” a famous photograph partly financed by taxpayers, depicted a crucifix immersed in what the artist said was his own urine. But conservative Christians did not riot on the Washington Mall.

 “The Book of Mormon,” a huge hit on Broadway, mocks the church’s beliefs as hocus-pocus. But Mormons haven’t burned down any theaters.

So why do parts of the Islamic world erupt in violence over insults to the Prophet Muhammad?

Let me try to address that indelicate question, and a related one: Should we curb the freedom to insult religions that are twitchy?

First, a few caveats. For starters, television images can magnify (and empower) crazies. In Libya, the few jihadis who killed Ambassador Chris Stevens were vastly outnumbered by the throngs of Libyan mourners who apologized afterward.

Remember also that it’s not just Muslims who periodically go berserk, but everybody — particularly in societies with large numbers of poorly educated young men. Upheavals are often more about demography than about religion:


Categories: Americas, Belief, Blasphemy

1 reply

  1. As it was predicted “kaana Dajaal” a nation or some nations or individuals that will be having right blurry eye and the left eye with sharpest sight of vision.which we interpret as a nation which will lack in spirituality. One of its eye will be so blurry that religious matter will not be clear to them. They will see God as three. ( a blurry vision) Or have little or no honor for spirituality. At the same time their left eye that is worldly vision will be so sharp that they will be able to see into the farthest areas of space and into the most inner layers of the earth.
    Having interpret this it is very easy to identify this nation and its kinds. They do not have respect even for the Prophet they claim to believe true.
    On the contrary we Muslims believe in all prophets and respect them all with utmost respect and never in our wildest dreams can think to do which might disgrace them. Insha’Allah.

    After reading the above what can I say but only that May Allah grant them wisdom and piety so that they refrain from such stupid things. Amen

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